巨鯨進場足跡預設值(20, 2.5, 2.0):訊號數量適中,與價格波動的相關性較高,適合大多數情況。
高敏感(10, 2.0, 1.5):箭頭數量增加,但可能包含更多假訊號,適合短線快速交易。
低敏感(50, 3.0, 2.5):箭頭很少,適合長線捕捉大行情。
Wskaźniki i strategie
TTM Squeeze Pro with EMAs and Scans
TTM Squeeze Pro with EMAs and Scans
This indicator combines the classic TTM Squeeze methodology with a robust set of Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and advanced scanning capabilities. Designed for traders who want to monitor momentum, squeeze conditions, and trend alignments simultaneously, it provides a comprehensive toolkit for technical analysis.
Key Features:
1. **TTM Squeeze Logic**:
- Uses Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels to identify four squeeze states: No Squeeze (Green), Low Squeeze (Black), Mid Squeeze (Red), and High Squeeze (Orange).
- Plots squeeze dots and a momentum histogram in a lower pane for easy visualization.
2. **Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)**:
- Overlays 7 EMAs on the price chart: 8, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and 233.
- Trend-based coloring: Rising EMAs in bright shades (e.g., Lime, Yellow, Fuchsia), falling in darker shades (e.g., Green, Orange, Red).
3. **Scan Alerts**:
- Transition Alerts: Squeeze Started, High Squeeze Started, Squeeze Fired, High Squeeze Fired, plus individual Low/Mid/No Squeeze Fired events.
- EMA Alignment Alerts: EMA 8>21, EMA 34>55>89, and EMA 89>144>233 for spotting bullish trends.
- State Alerts: Current squeeze condition (No, Low, Mid, High).
4. **Scan Columns (Data Window)**:
- Days since last No, Low, Mid, High Squeeze, and High Squeeze Fired.
- Percentage distance from the 52-week low (% From 52wk Low).
- **Chart**: Apply to any symbol to see squeeze states, momentum, and EMAs in action.
- **Alerts**: Set up alerts for squeeze transitions, firings, or EMA alignments to catch key moments.
- **Watchlist**: Use scan columns in a watchlist (Premium feature) to monitor multiple symbols.
- **Customization**: Adjust squeeze length and multipliers via inputs to suit your trading style.
- TTM Squeeze Length (default: 20)
- Bollinger Band STD Multiplier (default: 2.0)
- Keltner Channel Multipliers: High (1.0), Mid (1.5), Low (2.0)
- Alert Toggles: Price Action Squeeze, Squeeze Firing
- Optimized for daily charts (252 bars ≈ 52 weeks), but works on any timeframe—interpret "days" as bars.
- Colors are TradingView-standard and distinct for clarity.
Enjoy trading with this all-in-one squeeze and trend tool!
EMA 20/25/50/150//@version=6
indicator(title="EMA 20/25/50/150", overlay=true)
shorter = ta.ema(close, 20)
short = ta.ema(close, 25)
longer = ta.ema(close, 50)
longest = ta.ema(close, 150)
plot(shorter, color = color.red)
plot(short, color = color.yellow)
plot(longer, color = color.orange)
plot(longest, color = color.blue)
indicator(title="ForexMasterStochastic", shorttitle="Stoch", format=format.price, precision=2, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
periodK = input.int(14, title="%K Length", minval=1)
smoothK = input.int(3, title="%K Smoothing", minval=1)
periodD = input.int(3, title="%D Smoothing", minval=1)
k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, periodD)
plot(k, title="%K", color=#2962FF)
plot(d, title="%D", color=#FF6D00)
h0 = hline(80, "Upper Band", color=#787B86)
hline(50, "Middle Band", color=color.new(#787B86, 50))
h1 = hline(20, "Lower Band", color=#787B86)
fill(h0, h1, color=color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 90), title="Background")
Weekend Filter Candlestick [odnac]Custom Candlestick Chart with Weekend Visibility Toggle
This indicator customizes the appearance of candlesticks by using a dark gray theme for better visibility.
Additionally, it provides an option to hide weekend candles, allowing traders to focus on weekday price action.
✅ Dark gray candlestick design for a clean and minimalistic look.
✅ Weekend hiding option – Users can enable or disable weekend candles with a simple toggle.
✅ Helps traders avoid weekend noise and focus on key market movements.
How to Use:
Add the indicator to your chart.
Use the "Hide Weekend Candles" setting to toggle weekend visibility.
When enabled, weekend candles will be hidden for a cleaner chart.
When disabled, all candles, including weekends, will be displayed.
This indicator is useful for traders who prefer to analyze weekday trends without unnecessary weekend fluctuations. 🚀
Ichimoku Scalping Strategy + LEMAIchimoku Scalping Strategy + LEMA
Logistic Map Equation - The logistic map connects fluid convection, neuron firing, the Mandelbrot set and so much more.
This study is an attempt to apply Logistic Map Equation in Trading
Logistic Map Equation
YJ Trading Indicator - Advanced Patterns & Signals//@version=5
indicator("YJ Trading Indicator - Advanced Patterns & Signals", overlay=true)
// Moving Averages for trend confirmation
ema50 = ta.ema(close, 50)
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)
trendUp = ema50 > ema200
trendDown = ema50 < ema200
// Fibonacci Levels Calculation
pivotHigh = ta.highest(high, 50)
pivotLow = ta.lowest(low, 50)
fibLevels = array.new_float(6, 0.0)
array.set(fibLevels, 0, pivotHigh)
array.set(fibLevels, 1, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.236)
array.set(fibLevels, 2, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.382)
array.set(fibLevels, 3, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.5)
array.set(fibLevels, 4, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.618)
array.set(fibLevels, 5, pivotLow)
// Supertrend Indicator
= ta.supertrend(3, 14)
plot(supertrendLine, color=supertrendDirection == 1 ? color.green : color.red, title="Supertrend")
// RSI Divergence Detection
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
bullishDivergence = rsi < 30 and ta.lowest(close, 5) == low
bearishDivergence = rsi > 70 and ta.highest(close, 5) == high
// MACD Crossover Detection
= ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
macdBullishCross = ta.crossover(macdLine, signalLine)
macdBearishCross = ta.crossunder(macdLine, signalLine)
// Candlestick Pattern Detection
bullishEngulfing = close > open and close > high and open < close
bearishEngulfing = close < open and close < low and open > close
morningStar = close < open and (close - open ) < ta.atr(5) and close > open
eveningStar = close > open and (close - open ) < ta.atr(5) and close < open
doji = math.abs(close - open) < (high - low) * 0.1
spinningTop = (close - open) < (high - low) * 0.3 and (high - low) > ta.atr(5)
// Chart Patterns Detection
headAndShoulders = high > high and high > high and low < low and low < low
doubleTop = high == high and high < high
doubleBottom = low == low and low > low
ascendingTriangle = high > high and low > low
descendingTriangle = low < low and high < high
// Alerts & Plotting
plotshape(bullishEngulfing, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, title="Bullish Engulfing")
plotshape(bearishEngulfing, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, title="Bearish Engulfing")
plotshape(morningStar, location=location.belowbar, color=color.blue, style=shape.triangleup, title="Morning Star")
plotshape(eveningStar, location=location.abovebar, color=color.orange, style=shape.triangledown, title="Evening Star")
plotshape(doubleTop, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.cross, title="Double Top")
plotshape(doubleBottom, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.cross, title="Double Bottom")
plotshape(ascendingTriangle, location=location.belowbar, color=color.blue, style=shape.flag, title="Ascending Triangle")
plotshape(descendingTriangle, location=location.abovebar, color=color.purple, style=shape.flag, title="Descending Triangle")
plotshape(macdBullishCross, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.arrowup, title="MACD Bullish Cross")
plotshape(macdBearishCross, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.arrowdown, title="MACD Bearish Cross")
alertcondition(bullishEngulfing, title="Bullish Engulfing Alert", message="Bullish Engulfing detected!")
alertcondition(bearishEngulfing, title="Bearish Engulfing Alert", message="Bearish Engulfing detected!")
alertcondition(macdBullishCross, title="MACD Bullish Crossover", message="MACD Bullish Cross detected!")
alertcondition(macdBearishCross, title="MACD Bearish Crossover", message="MACD Bearish Cross detected!")
useLoggerLibrary "useLogger"
m_round(val, decimals)
create wrapper for quick syntax
val (float)
decimals (int) : -> create an wrapper: m_round(val) => useLogger.m_round(float val, your_default_decimal)
@return curry function idea
str_round(val, dec)
val (float)
dec (int)
log_msg_type(log_msg, log_type)
log_msg (string)
log_type (series LOG_TYPE)
log_val(val, val_text, log_type)
val (float)
val_text (string)
log_type (series LOG_TYPE)
log_bool(val, val_text, text_true, text_false, log_type)
val (bool)
val_text (string)
text_true (string)
text_false (string)
log_type (series LOG_TYPE)
Session Boxes//@version=6
indicator("Session Boxes", overlay=true)
// Sessions Definitionen
tokyo_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 0, 0)
tokyo_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 9, 0)
london_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 7, 0)
london_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 16, 0)
newyork_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 12, 0)
newyork_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 21, 0)
// Farben (dezent)
color_tokyo = color.rgb(204, 204, 204, 50)
color_london = color.rgb(170, 170, 170, 50)
color_newyork = color.rgb(136, 136, 136, 50)
// Funktion zum Zeichnen der Session-Boxen
sessionBox(startTime, endTime, sessionColor) =>
var int startIndex = na
var int endIndex = na
var float sessionHigh = na
var float sessionLow = na
isSession = (time >= startTime and time <= endTime)
if isSession
if na(startIndex)
startIndex := bar_index
sessionHigh := high
sessionLow := low
endIndex := bar_index
sessionHigh := math.max(sessionHigh, high)
sessionLow := math.min(sessionLow, low)
if not na(startIndex) and not na(endIndex)
box.new(left=int(startIndex), right=int(endIndex), top=sessionHigh, bottom=sessionLow, bgcolor=sessionColor, border_color=sessionColor)
// Sessions auf dem Chart zeichnen
sessionBox(tokyo_start, tokyo_end, color_tokyo)
sessionBox(london_start, london_end, color_london)
sessionBox(newyork_start, newyork_end, color_newyork)
Custom MA Indicator// @version=6
indicator("Custom MA Indicator", overlay=true)
// Define the moving average periods
ma_red_period = 50
ma_orange_period = 100
ma_green_period = 200
// Calculate the moving averages
ma_red = ta.sma(close, ma_red_period)
ma_orange = ta.sma(close, ma_orange_period)
ma_green = ta.sma(close, ma_green_period)
// Plot the moving averages with specified colors
plot(ma_red, color=color.red, title="Red MA")
plot(ma_orange, color=color.orange, title="Orange MA")
plot(ma_green, color=color.green, title="Green MA")
Upward Divergence with RSI ConfirmationThis indicator identifies upward divergences, signaling potential trend reversals from a downtrend to an uptrend. It combines price-action analysis with RSI confirmation to provide high-probability signals for upward momentum.
Key Features:
Divergence Detection: Captures key moments where downtrend weakness transitions into upward momentum.
RSI-Based Filtering: Confirms signals using RSI exceeding a user-defined threshold, adding reliability to the signals.
Customizable Parameters: Allows traders to adjust settings for downtrend length, RSI period, thresholds, and more.
Visual Signals: Displays upward markers on the chart for easy identification of signals.
Alert Ready: Includes real-time alert conditions to ensure you never miss a signal.
How to Use:
Add the indicator to your chart and configure the settings via the input menu.
Look for visual markers (arrows) to identify potential trend reversals.
Combine this indicator with other tools for a more robust trading strategy.
This indicator is ideal for traders looking to enhance their analysis with RSI-confirmed divergence patterns, whether trading stocks, forex, or cryptocurrencies.
useMutateGlobalLibrary "useMutateGlobal"
value (int)
value (float)
value (bool)
value (color)
value (string)
value (label)
value (line)
value (linefill)
value (box)
value (table)
set(source, value)
set value to first element in array. MUST call init() first.
source (array) : array, value of the same type
value (int)
Returns: array containing single item
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (float)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (bool)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (color)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (string)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (label)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (line)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (linefill)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (box)
set(source, value)
source (array)
value (table)
gets value
source (array) : any type of array
Returns: first item from array
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
source (array)
RSI Buy & Sell Signalgenerates Buy and Sell signals using the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator on TradingView. The indicator allows users to customize the RSI period length, overbought level (default 70), and oversold level (default 30). A Buy signal is triggered when the RSI crosses above the oversold level, indicating a potential price reversal from a bearish trend, marked by a green triangle below the candlestick with the label BUY. Conversely, a Sell signal is generated when the RSI crosses below the overbought level, signaling a potential price reversal from a bullish trend, marked by a red triangle above the candlestick with the label SELL. The script also includes automatic alert notifications through the alertcondition() function, helping traders receive instant updates without constant chart monitoring.
EMA + Bollinger + ATR StrategyHow to Enter Trades
Entry Method:
Market Orders: Enter immediately when the signal arrow appears (best for breakouts).
Limit Orders: Place orders slightly inside the Bollinger Band (e.g., 2–3 pips below breakout level) if you expect a pullback.
Always Confirm:
Check that the 3 EMAs align with the trend direction.
Ensure the ATR stop loss (red line) is in a logical place (not too tight).
Visual Guide:
Blue EMA (5): Fast trend filter
Orange EMA (20): Slow trend filter
Gray EMA (200): Long-term trend bias
Purple Bands: Volatility boundaries
Signal Arrows: Exact entry points
Entry Rules:
Only trade when ALL conditions align:
EMA 5 > 20 AND price > 200 EMA (for buys)
EMA 5 < 20 AND price < 200 EMA (for sells)
Price breaks Bollinger Band after squeeze (bands close together)
Exit Rules:
Close position when price hits green TP line
Close immediately if price hits red SL line
Bollinger Bands StrategyBeginner strategy to know easy buy and sell strategy with no decent knowledge of levels
My Custom(Vwap+EMA cross+S/R)
This indicator stydy is combination of Vwap , crossover of moving averages that are 13 EMA and 21 EMA and Support and Resistances.
Volume ClueThis is a test
Volume clues :
Within volume there are hints given when volume has massive increases and also when volume is low i will reffer to low volume as volume stalls.
A High volume bar with the color Red followed by some yellow and white volume bars signal seller exhaustion.
Cloud of powerPresentation of the "Cloud of Power" Indicator and Strategy for Trading the S&P 500
1. Introduction to the "Cloud of Power" Indicator
The Cloud of Power indicator is designed to help identify areas of support and resistance based on price volume and volatility. It creates a visual cloud that serves as a guide to track market movements and pinpoint areas where price reactions are likely. This tool is particularly effective when combined with an Exponential Moving Average (EMA), adjusted based on the timeframe being analyzed. For example, on a 4-hour chart, a 180 EMA is recommended, but it should be adjusted for other timeframes.
Cloud of Power:
This cloud highlights support and resistance areas based on market dynamics. It helps to predict potential reversals or trend continuations.
Adjusted EMA: The exponential moving average helps confirm the main trend. If the price moves above the EMA, we consider it an uptrend, and if below, a downtrend.
2. Trading Strategy Using the "Cloud of Power" and EMA
This strategy relies on the breakout of the Cloud of Power levels to identify entry and exit opportunities. It helps to anticipate potential support and resistance zones, and adjust stop-loss and gain securing levels accordingly.
Strategy Steps:
Defining the Trend:
If the price moves above the EMA, the trend is bullish. If the price is below the EMA, the trend is bearish.
The Cloud of Power is a visual guide to evaluate support (the cloud's lower boundary) and resistance (the cloud's upper boundary) zones in both scenarios.
Entry Points:
Buy signal: Enter a long (buy) position when the price breaks above the cloud's upper boundary in a bullish trend.
Sell signal: Enter a short (sell) position when the price breaks below the cloud's lower boundary in a bearish trend.
Stop-Loss Placement:
For a buy trade, place the stop-loss just below the cloud's lower boundary, which represents a support level. A break below this level may indicate a weakening bullish trend.
For a sell trade, place the stop-loss just above the cloud's upper boundary, representing resistance. A break above this level may signal the end of the bearish trend.
Take Profit and Position Management:
Profit-taking in this strategy is dynamic. The position is held as long as the price stays in line with the trend defined by the EMA and the cloud.
If the price breaks below the cloud's lower boundary in a bullish trend, we can predict that the most recent high will act as a resistance. It's advisable to monitor this zone for further breakout opportunities to add positions or use these levels to secure future gains.
By gradually adjusting the stop-loss closer to resistance or support zones identified by the cloud, you can protect your profits and secure your position. This approach allows maximizing gains by staying in the trend while limiting the risk of a sudden reversal.
Example of Application (S&P 500 Chart):
In an uptrend, if the price breaks above the cloud's upper boundary with volume confirmation, it signals a buy. The stop-loss should be placed just below the cloud's lower boundary to secure the position.
As long as the price remains above the EMA and the cloud remains bullish, the position is held. If the price breaks below the cloud's lower boundary, the most recent high will likely act as resistance. This zone should be closely monitored for future movements to adjust the stop-loss or take partial profits.
In a downtrend, the opposite logic applies. The price must break below the cloud's lower boundary for a sell, with the stop-loss placed above the upper boundary.
In summary, the Cloud of Power is an excellent visual tool to evaluate support and resistance areas and refine your entry and exit points. By following the trend with the EMA and adjusting your stop-loss according to the levels defined by the cloud, you can maximize profits while minimizing risks.
Hedge timesIndicates Market phases, where its a good idea to hedge stock portfolios against index futures.
Used on ES or NQ, red phases should indicate fully hedged phases which, should preserve capital.
Hedges should be closed on entering green phases the latest
Improved Trading Scriptits indicates the next candel. A highly accurate trend-following indicator for the 1-minute timeframe, designed for real-time execution in the Quotex OTC market.
Buy Signal: Appears below the candle → Next candle is bullish (green).
Sell Signal: Appears above the candle → Next candle is bearish (red).
This non-repainting indicator ensures precise signals for profitable trading.