[WRx450] FED net liquidityThis indicator show the net liquidity of the FED.
Net Liquidity = FED balance sheet (total asset) - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo
Net liquidity and Net liquidity changes are shown on wednesday. Total asset and TGA report are on weekly basis, thus a daily basis would be inacurate.
it is possible to add this indicator twice and move one of them in another graphic below and show the change. It gives a clear view of the liquidity.
[WRx450] FED net liquidityThis indicator show the net liquidity of the FED.
Net liquidity = Fed balance sheet (total asset) - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo
All sources can be select otherwise in parameter.
It is possible to show only the weekly changes in Net liquidity.
Net liquidity and Net liquidity changes are shown only on wednesday because Total asset and TGA reports are updated only on Wednesday. (updating the Net liquidity on a daily basis would be inacurate)
Liquidity Hunter - FattyTradesThis indicator is used to automatically identify and plot two forms of liquidity that will be targeted by market makers.
The first form of liquidity is based on multi-time fame highs and lows. It plots 1H, 4H, D, W, & M liquidity on an intraday chart to make it easier to identify. I believe hat liquidity is what drives the market and the most common form of this liquidity can be identified through higher time frame highs and lows. You can use whatever method you prefer to determine which liquidity pool will be targeted. When the liquidity is purged, it will be shown as dotted lines. This should not be used as traditional support/resistance, but rather as targets for the market.
The second form of liquidity is in the form of imbalances or fair value gaps. You can select a higher time frame to be plotted along with the current time frame you're viewing to identify imbalances that will likely be targeted intraday. We know that higher time frame fair value gaps work equally well as targets for market makers. When a higher time frame FVG is broken into, it can also act as a very powerful form of support and resistance. By default, when a fair value gap has been mitigated it will be removed from the chart, however this can be disabled.
Between these two forms of market maker liquidity targets on the chart, it will be easier to formulate a thesis intraday to determine where the market will move. It can help minimize the amount of switching between higher time frames that needs to be done, allowing you to identify targets while trading on your favorite intraday time frame for optimal risk/reward.
In the near future, I will build in alerting mechanism to alert when liquidity on higher time frames as been purged/mitigated.
HTF Liquidity Levels█ OVERVIEW
The indicator introduces a new representation of the previous days, weeks, and months highs & lows ( DWM HL ) with a focus on untapped levels.
Untapped Levels
It is popularly known that the liquidity is located behind swing points or beyond higher time frames highs/lows (in a sense, an intraday swing point is a day high/low). These key areas are said "liquid" because of the accumulation of resting orders, mainly in the form of stop-loss orders. And this more significantly on higher time frames which have more time for stacking orders. As the result, the indicator aims to keep track of untapped levels that have their liquidity states intact.
Liquidity Pools
Once a liquidity level identified, or better, a cluster of liquidity levels work as magnets for the market. The price is more likely to make its way towards heavier pockets of liquidity, by proximity (the closest liquidity pool), and by difficulty (path with less obstacles). This phenomenon is referred as liquidity run, raid, purge, grab, hunt, sweep, you name it. Consequently, the indicator can help you frame a directional bias during your trading session.
Once a level is tapped, it is highlighted. At the end of each day, all tapped levels are cleared.
Expected LiquiditySimple but effective script that displays Liquidity Premium/Discount areas in an adaptive way based on key Fibonacci levels.
You can increase or decrease the 'Period' value in the Settings to adjust the gap between the lines as you see fit.
By default the value is '46' which should suit most markets.
- The script contains Alerts which are triggered when a liquidity line is crossed by the price.
Good trading to all and don't forget, risk management remains the most important!
Session LiquidityThe “Session Liquidity” TradingView indicator by Infinity Trading creates dynamic horizontal lines at the high and low points of a specified time span within the trading day. This indicator gives the user control of three separate time spans so the user can dynamically see the highs and lows of their favorite daily time spans.
This indicator is similar to my TradingView indicator “Futures Exchange Sessions 3.0”. In that indicator the user gets control of dynamic price boxes. For me, these boxes made it difficult to spot ICT’s Orderblocks. So instead of boxes I made independently controllable lines and now I can spot ICT Orderblocks and easily identify Liquidity Pools.
Inputs and Style
Everything about the three dynamic lines can but independently configured. Start & End Times, Line Color, Line Style, Line Width, Text Characters, Text Size, Text Color can all be adjusted. The high and low lines as well as their text labels can be individually toggled on or off for maximum control.
All of the start and end times are in EST. Additionally, each time span line needs a specific start of each day. This is controlled by a setting called “Line Start Day Timezone” where the user sets a timezone that corresponds with the start time. In general if a timespan resides within a particular Session pick the corresponding timezone. If the users line fits in the Asian Session then choose Asia/Shanghai. If the line is within the London Session then choose Europe/London. And the same goes for the New York Session.
Special Notes
If the Line Start Time is within one candle of the Start Day Timezone in the Settings, then the line/box won’t display. So choose the previous timezone
Lines only display when the timeframe is <= 30 minute
NetLiquidityLibraryLibrary "NetLiquidityLibrary"
The Net Liquidity Library provides daily values for net liquidity. Net liquidity is measured as Fed Balance Sheet - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo. Time series for each individual component included too.
Function takes date in timestamp form and returns the Net Liquidity value for that date. If date is not present, 0 is returned.
t : The timestamp of the date you are requesting the Net Liquidity value for.
Returns: The Net Liquidity value for the specified date.
Gets the Net Liquidity time series from Dec. 2021 to current. Dates that are not present are represented as 0.
Returns: The Net Liquidity time series.
Rolling HTF Liquidity Levels [CHE]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator displays a Rolling HTF Liquidity Levels . Contrary to HTF Liquidity Levels indicators which use a fix time segment, Rolling HTF Liquidity Levels calculates using a moving window defined by a time period (not a simple number of bars), so it shows better results.
This indicator is inspired by
The indicator introduces a new representation of the previous rolling time frame highs & lows (DWM HL) with a focus on untapped levels.
Untapped Levels
It is popularly known that the liquidity is located behind swing points or beyond higher time frames highs/lows.
Rolling HTF Liquidity Levels uses a moving window, it does not exhibit the static of the HTF Liquidity Levels plots.
Load the indicator on an active chart (see the Help Center if you don't know how).
Time period
By default, the script uses an auto-stepping mechanism to adjust the time period of its moving window to the chart's timeframe. The following table shows chart timeframes and the corresponding time period used by the script. When the chart's timeframe is less than or equal to the timeframe in the first column, the second column's time period is used to calculate the Rolling HTF Liquidity Levels:
Chart Time
timeframe period
1min 🠆 1H
5min 🠆 4H
1H 🠆 1D
4H 🠆 3D
12H 🠆 1W
1D 🠆 1M
1W 🠆 3M
By default, the time period currently used is displayed in the lower-right corner of the chart. The script's inputs allow you to hide the display or change its size and location.
This indicator should make trading easier and improve analysis. Nothing is worse than indicators that give confusingly different signals.
I hope you enjoy my new ideas
best regards
Liquidity Levels MTF - SonarlabThis indicator uses Pivot Points to identify Liquidity Levels in the market. Liquidity Levels are levels in the market where you would expect price to be pulled towards.
Liquidity Levels by Sonarlab also has an option to show Higher Timeframe Liquidity Levels.
Below are the indicators settings:
Liquidity Mitigation Options
The Indicator has options for you to choose what happens to the Liquidity line/boxes once it has been mitigated. Either Keep them on the chart, or remove them.
Display Styles
Choose how the levels are displayed, either with Lines or Boxes.
Set the your Extension options, by keeping the lines/boxes "short" or extend to current price, or maximum to the right
Colors and Styles
Set colors and styles for all lines and boxes
Traders Reality Vector Candle ZonesVector Candle Zone indicator displays areas of unrecovered liquidity based on PVSRA with override option for the chart symbol.
Developed for TradersReality by infernixx with library conversion by peshocore
Automatic Closest FVG with BPRFair Value Gaps are a hugely popular concept and because of that there are numerous indicators available. This one however, was designed to automate the process of actually using them in trading.
Designed with lower time frame entries in mind (though will work on HTF just as well), this indicator automatically draws the closest, non-mitigated FVG, to the current price, cutting out the work of looking for what FVG is relevant.
The indicator also has an option to show when the current nearest pair of FVGs form a BPR or 'balanced price range'.
There are various option for what counts as mitigation, including no mitigation at all, and when mitigated an FVG is no longer considered for proximity searching.
SPX Fair Value Bands V2An updated version of the SPX Fair Value Bands script from dharmatech and based on the net liquidity concept by MaxJAnderson .
Now with full customization of parameters through the settings (Dialog Box) and allowing the options to the use of
1) Standard Bands based on Offsets of the Fair Value
2) Bollinger Bands
3) Keltner Channels
to better capture buy/sell areas rather than relying on noisy unreliably (and unevenly) updated data from the Treasury/Fed.
Net Liquidity's importance in the new post-COVID QE to QT regime as described MaxJAnderson
" In past cycles, size of Fed's balance sheet changed a lot, while TGA and RRP changed relatively little. So size of balance sheet roughly equated Net Liquidity.
(The Treasury General Account) TGA and (Reverse Repo) RRP didn't matter. They were rounding errors by comparison.
But starting in 2020, relative changes in TGA and RRP have been THREE TIMES LARGER than the change in size of the Fed's balance sheet. As result, changes in TGA and RRP have taken over as the primary drivers Net Liquidity.
This is new, and changes the game significantly. Again - the size of the Fed's balance sheet doesn't matter.
What matters is the portion of it that's available to circulate in the economy (Net Liquidity).
And ever since 2020, the Treasury and Reverse Repo have become what controls that. Not the size of Fed's balance sheet.
The idea that follows is simple,short when $SPX reaches extreme levels of overvaluation, and close out when SPX returns to being undervalued. Here's the formulas I currently use to determine fair value:
Fair Value = (Fed Bal Sheet - TGA - RRP)/1.1 - 1625
And here's the trading rules I currently follow:
Short when diff of $SPX - Fair Value > 350
Close when diff of $SPX - Fair Value < 150
When one of these rules is triggered upon market close on a given day, trades are entered at open of the following day "
Fed Net Liquidity Indicator (24-Oct-2022 update)This indicator is an implementation of the USD Liquidity Index originally proposed by Arthur Hayes based on the initial implementation of jlb05013, kudos to him!
I have incorporated subsequent additions (Standing Repo Facility and Central Bank Liquidity Swaps lines) and dealt with some recent changes in reporting units from TradingView.
This is a macro indicator that aims at tracking how much USD liquidity is available to chase financial assets:
- When the FED is expanding liquidity, financial asset prices tend to increase
- When the FED is contracting liquidity, financial asset prices tend to decrease
Here is the current calculation:
Net Liquidity =
(+) The Fed’s Balance Sheet (FRED:WALCL)
(-) NY Fed Total Amount of Accepted Reverse Repo Bids (FRED:RRPONTTLD)
(-) US Treasury General Account Balance Held at NY Fed (FRED:WTREGEN)
(+) NY Fed - Standing Repo Facility (FRED:RPONTSYD)
(+) NY Fed - Central Bank Liquidity Swaps (FRED:SWPT)
Fed Net Liquidity Indicator v2Updated script for jlb05013's original Fed Net Liquidity Indicator. TradingView was bringing in the FRED data in different units than they used to. This code fixes it.
This indicator aims to present a "Net Liquidity" indicator comprised of the Fed Balance sheet , less the TGA account and Overnight Reverse REPO agreements.
Net Liquidity = Fed Balance Sheet - ( TGA + Reverse REPO)
This is an overlay that can be added to stock or other charts (like SPY ) to see how the market may appear correlated to Net Liquidity - injection of liquidity into the markets.
This was hypothesized by Max Anderson, this is just a script realizing that posting.
New updates include a resolution feature, and an option to offset backwards by 2 days per original intent.
Liquidity Heatmap (Nephew_Sam_)Liquidity Heatmap
This indicator plots a heatmap of resting liquidity above and below swing lows and multiple timeframes
The darker the color is or the larger the zone is, the more liquidity is lying there. If you think there are too many zones, you can increase the timeframes in the settings or just disable it.
Liquidity simply means orders such as stoplosses, buy/sell stops.
Disclaimer: You are free to use this code but your should be open source too
USD Liquidity Conditions Index Swing Stock Strategy Original credits goes to @ElDoggo22 www.tradingview.com
I looked in the post created by him, of USD liquidity and I have noticed that if you are going to apply a percentile top and bottom to it, can become an interesting swing strategy for US Stocks.
So in this case I decided to create a 99th percentile for top and 4th percentile for bot with a big length, preferably 100+ candles, for this example i took 150.
Rules for entry :
Long : either bot or top lines are ascending
We exit long either the top line is descending, or we have sudden cross of the moving average with both top and bot within the same candle
Short: we enter short when we have a sudden cross down of the moving average with both top and bot within the same candle
We exit short when we have a cross over of the moving average with both top and bot within the same candle ( or we have a long entry condition)
If there are qny questions, please let me know !
Unraided Liquidity and S/R PivotsThis indicator is designed to show key pivot points, also known as levels, which could provide good trade entries.
Utilising liquidity concepts, untested pivot levels can be a good place to enter a trade after the pivot is tested, liquidity is taken and the direction reverses.
Alternatively, utilising the option of viewing already tested levels, you can easily see the key support and resistance areas that price is likely to have a strong reaction to, whether it wants to go toward or bounce away from these levels.
The indicator does not give buy and sell signals, it is up to you to use the levels to form your trading plan.
Fed Net Liquidity IndicatorThis indicator aims to present a "Net Liquidity" indicator comprised of the Fed Balance sheet , less the TGA account and Overnight Reverse REPO agreements.
Net Liquidity = Fed Balance Sheet - ( TGA + Reverse REPO)
This is an overlay that can be added to stock or other charts (like SPY ) to see how the market may appear correlated to Net Liquidity - injection of liquidity into the markets.
This was hypothesized by Max Anderson, this is just a script realizing that posting.
New updates include a resolution feature, and an option to offset backwards by 2 days per original intent.
Support and Resistance Multiperiod (Zig Zag Based)Support and Resistance Multiperiod (Zig Zag Based)
What is the indicator?
• The indicator is a multi period (up to 5 lengths) Support and Resistance indicator calculated based on Zig Zag.
Who can use?
Scalpers to Long term investors
What timeframe to use?
• Any timeframe
What are the lines?
• Green lines are Support levels.
• Orange lines are Resistance levels.
How to use?
• Buy Low and Sell High.
• Brighter zones means strong Support or Resistance.
• Weaker zones appear lighter.
• Brighter zones are formed by overlapping of lines from multiple levels of support or resistance.
Indicator Menu
• The indicator can input 5 different Lengths.
• The default settings uses 13, 21, 52, 100 & 200.
• Every option are customizable.
Futures Exchange Sessions 2.0Description
Successor to Futures Exchange Sessions indicator. Completely rebuilt code from the ground up. Every feature has been redesigned and refactored to be the most beneficial while allowing for complete configuration by the user.
This indicator displays Futures Sessions as live boxes that expand dynamically as price moves over the time interval. These boxes make liquidity levels extremely easy to spot and visualize. It helps the user identify market structure and develop their own bias of price action. Everything about the Session boxes can be configured. Box color, border color, border style, and border width are all individually controllable. Each Future Session can be turned on or off at any time. Also, each box has their own text label (Asian Session, London Session, New York Session) and this text can be moved around the box, change color, and change size.
Previous days highs and lows (major liquidity levels) are always important to the futures trader. This indicator now allows the user to individually display the three previous days highs and low levels as lines with optional label. Each line can be independently toggled on or off and like always, every conceivable customization option is available to the user. And the labels can be moved to the right (via the Input Settings) to allow unobstructed views of candles.
The midnight EST open and 8:30 AM EST open horizontal lines (developed by the Inner Circle Trader) are returning in this indicator. But the biggest improvement is that the lines stop at the current bar or the last bar of the trading day. Additionally, the time lines are displayed on previous days so the user can easily see how the candles reacted to these important times of the day.
The Session boxes and the horizontal time lines now can be set to only display a certain number of day back. If the user wants just to see Session boxes for the previous day only, they can do that. If the user wants to see the last 15 days of boxes or lines it is very easy to increase the days back in the settings. Currently, the max days back is 80 calendar days.
Additional Images
Easily visualize and understand price action across time
Everything is customizable so the user can easily match this indicator to their color preferences
Special Notes
To turn off box session text set opacity to 0%
Boxes and horizontal time lines only display when timeframe is <= 30 minute
Liquidity Heatmap LTF [LuxAlgo]This indicator displays column heatmaps highlighting candle bodies with the highest associated volume from a lower user selected timeframe.
LTF Timeframe: Lower timeframe used to retrieve the closing/opening price and volume data. Must be lower than the current chart timeframe.
Other settings control the style of the displayed graphical elements.
It can be of interest to show which candles from a lower timeframe had the highest associated volume, this allows for the highlighting of areas where a candle body was the most traded by market participants.
The area with the highest activity is highlighted in the script with a yellow color (or another user selected color) and additionally by two lines forming an interval.
When the candle body with the highest volume is overlapped by a candle body with lower volume this one will be highlighted instead, hence why certain areas of high activity might not be highlighted by the heatmap.
It is recommended to hide regular candles or use a more discrete graphical presentation of prices when using this tool. Lines are also displayed to highlight the full candle range as well as if a candle was bullish (in green) or bearish (in red). These lines can be hidden if the user is only interested in the heatmap.
Fractal Break Imbalance / Fair Value Gap (FVG) / Liquidity VoidFractal Break Imbalance / Fair Value Gap (FVG) / Liquidity Void
Order imbalances in either direction, either excess buy or sell orders, reduce liquidity. The market will seek to fill gaps sooner or later. The script marks an imbalance / FVG after a fractal break. It also marks any other imbalance.
Default Colours:
Green - Imbalance after fractal break to the upside
Red - Imbalance after fractal break to the downside
Yellow - Other imbalances
How To Use:
Gaps can be used to determine possible entries and targets. Those familiar with liquidity raids, supply and demand, and ICT concepts may realise it's potential.
Indicator in use:
ICT Index Futures Session LinesICT Index Futures Session Lines
The script is based on one of ICT's concepts on trading Index Futures. The script lays out the daily range from an intraday basis.
00:00 - New York Midnight
08:30 – New York Open (News events come out)
12:00/13:00 - New York Lunch (No trade time period)
13:30 - (Algorithm)
16:30 - Close
* The open, high and low lines are plotted from 00:00 to 08:30
How To Use:
You will need to check the daily bias. Prior to 8:30 you are to look for previous swing points where liquidity may exist. During the open you want to see if a high or low is taken out, and then wait for an energetic break/displacement for a potential FVG/imbalance retracement entry.
Strategy is for LTF (1 to 15m)
Default time zone is set to America/New_York (UTC New York), so lines will be plotted correctly regardless of user’s local UTC chart setting.