Hull Suite by MRS**Hull Suite by MRS Strategy Indicator**
The Hull Suite by MRS Strategy is a technical analysis tool designed to provide insights into market trends using variations of the Hull Moving Average (HMA). This strategy aims to help traders identify optimal entry points for both long and short positions by utilizing multiple types of Hull-based indicators.
### Key Features:
1. **Hull Moving Average Variations**: The indicator offers three different Hull Moving Average variants:
- **HMA (Hull Moving Average)**: A fast-moving average that minimizes lag and reacts quickly to price changes.
- **EHMA (Enhanced Hull Moving Average)**: A smoother version of HMA with reduced noise, offering a clearer view of market trends.
- **THMA (Triple Hull Moving Average)**: A more complex Hull average that aims to provide a stronger confirmation of trend direction.
2. **Customizable Parameters**:
- **Source Selection**: Allows traders to choose the source for calculation (e.g., closing prices).
- **Length**: A configurable parameter to adjust the period over which the moving average is calculated (e.g., 55-period for swing entries).
- **Trend Coloring**: Users can enable automatic color-coding of the Hull moving average to reflect whether the market is in an uptrend (green) or downtrend (red).
- **Candle Color**: Option to color candles based on Hull's trend, further improving the visual clarity of trend direction.
3. **Entry and Exit Signals**:
- **Buy Signal**: Generated when the Hull moving average crosses above its historical value, indicating a potential upward price movement.
- **Sell Signal**: Triggered when the Hull moving average crosses below its historical value, signaling a potential downward price movement.
- The strategy can be customized to work with long, short, or both directions, making it adaptable for various market conditions.
4. **Visual Representation**:
- **Hull Bands**: The indicator can plot the Hull moving average as bands, with customizable transparency to suit individual preferences.
- **Band Filler**: The area between the two Hull moving averages is filled, making it easier to identify trends at a glance.
5. **Backtesting and Strategy Execution**: This strategy can be tested on historical data with adjustable backtest start and stop dates, providing traders with a better understanding of its performance before live trading.
### Purpose:
The Hull Suite by MRS Strategy is designed to assist traders in determining the optimal time to enter and exit the market based on robust Hull moving averages. With its flexibility, it can be used for trend-following, swing trading, or other strategic applications.
BTC outperform atrategy### Code Description
This Pine Script™ code implements a simple trading strategy based on the relative prices of Bitcoin (BTC) on a weekly and a three-month basis. The script plots the weekly and three-month closing prices of Bitcoin on the chart and generates trading signals based on the comparison of these prices. The code can also be applied to Ethereum (ETH) with similar effectiveness.
### Explanation
1. **Inputs and Variables**:
- The user selects the trading symbol (default is "BINANCE:BTCUSDT").
- `weeklyPrice` retrieves the closing price of the selected symbol on a weekly interval.
- `monthlyPrice` retrieves the closing price of the selected symbol on a three-month interval.
2. **Plotting Data**:
- The weekly price is plotted in blue.
- The three-month price is plotted in red.
3. **Trading Conditions**:
- A long position is suggested if the weekly price is greater than the three-month price.
- A short position is suggested if the three-month price is greater than the weekly price.
4. **Strategy Execution**:
- If the long condition is met, the strategy enters a long position.
- If the short condition is met, the strategy enters a short position.
This script works equally well for Ethereum (ETH) by changing the symbol input to "BINANCE:ETHUSDT" or any other desired Ethereum trading pair.
Intelle_city - World Cycle - Ath & Atl - Logarithmic - Strategy.Overview
Indicators: Strategy !
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - The Pi Cycle Top and Bottom Oscillator is an adaptation of the original Pi Cycle Top chart. It compares the 111-Day Moving Average circle and the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle of Bitcoin’s Price. These two moving averages were selected as 350 / 111 = 3.153; An approximation of the important mathematical number Pi.
When the 111-Day Moving Average circle reaches the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market is becoming overheated. That is because the mid time frame momentum reference of the 111-Day Moving Average has caught up with the long timeframe momentum reference of the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average.
Historically this has occurred within 3 days of the very top of each market cycle.
When the 111 Day Moving Average circle falls back beneath the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market momentum of that cycle is significantly cooling down. The oscillator drops down into the lower green band shown where the 111 Day Moving Average is moving at a 75% discount relative to the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average.
Historically, this has highlighted broad areas of bear market lows.
IMPORTANT: You need to set a LOGARITHMIC graph. (The function is located at the bottom right of the screen)
IMPORTANT: The INTELLECT_city indicator is made for a buy-sell strategy; there is also a signal indicator from INTELLECT_city
IMPORTANT: The Chart shows all cycles, both buying and selling.
IMPORTANT: Suitable timeframes are 1 daily (recommended) and 1 weekly
Описание на русском:
Обзор индикатора
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - Логарифмический - Сигнал - Осциллятор вершины и основания цикла Пи представляет собой адаптацию оригинального графика вершины цикла Пи. Он сравнивает круг 111-дневной скользящей средней и круг 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней цены Биткойна. Эти две скользящие средние были выбраны как 350/111 = 3,153; Приближение важного математического числа Пи.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней достигает круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рынок перегревается. Это происходит потому, что опорный моментум среднего временного интервала 111-дневной скользящей средней догнал опорный момент импульса длинного таймфрейма 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это происходило в течение трех дней после вершины каждого рыночного цикла.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней опускается ниже круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рыночный импульс этого цикла значительно снижается. Осциллятор опускается в нижнюю зеленую полосу, показанную там, где 111-дневная скользящая средняя движется со скидкой 75% относительно 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это высветило широкие области минимумов медвежьего рынка.
ВАЖНО: Выставлять нужно ЛОГАРИФМИЧЕСКИЙ график. (Находиться функция с правой нижней части экрана)
ВАЖНО: Индикатор INTELLECT_city сделан для стратегии покупок продаж, есть также и сигнальный от INTELLECT_сity
ВАЖНО: На Графике видны все циклы, как на покупку так и на продажу.
ВАЖНО: Подходящие таймфреймы 1 дневной (рекомендовано) и 1 недельный
Beschreibung - Deutsch
INTELLECT_city – Weltzyklus – ATH & ATL – Zeitrahmen 1T und 1W – Logarithmisch – Strategy – Der Pi-Zyklus-Top- und Bottom-Oszillator ist eine Anpassung des ursprünglichen Pi-Zyklus-Top-Diagramms. Er vergleicht den 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis und den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis des Bitcoin-Preises. Diese beiden gleitenden Durchschnitte wurden als 350 / 111 = 3,153 ausgewählt; eine Annäherung an die wichtige mathematische Zahl Pi.
Wenn der 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis erreicht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass der Markt überhitzt. Das liegt daran, dass der Momentum-Referenzwert des 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im mittleren Zeitrahmen den Momentum-Referenzwert des 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im langen Zeitrahmen eingeholt hat.
Historisch gesehen geschah dies innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Höhepunkt jedes Marktzyklus.
Wenn der Kreis des 111-Tage-Durchschnitts wieder unter den Kreis des 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitts fällt, deutet dies darauf hin, dass die Marktdynamik dieses Zyklus deutlich nachlässt. Der Oszillator fällt in das untere grüne Band, in dem der 111-Tage-Durchschnitt mit einem Abschlag von 75 % gegenüber dem 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitt verläuft.
Historisch hat dies breite Bereiche mit Tiefstständen in der Baisse hervorgehoben.
WICHTIG: Sie müssen ein logarithmisches Diagramm festlegen. (Die Funktion befindet sich unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm)
WICHTIG: Der INTELLECT_city-Indikator ist für eine Kauf-Verkaufs-Strategie konzipiert; es gibt auch einen Signalindikator von INTELLECT_city
WICHTIG: Das Diagramm zeigt alle Zyklen, sowohl Kauf- als auch Verkaufszyklen.
WICHTIG: Geeignete Zeitrahmen sind 1 täglich (empfohlen) und 1 wöchentlich
Kitchen [ilovealgotrading]
Kitchen is a strategy that aims to trade in the direction of the trend by using supertrend and stochRsi data by calculating at different time values.
First of all, let's understand the supertrend and stocrsi indicators.
How do you read and use Super Trend for trading ?
The price is often going upwards when it breaks the super trend line while keeping its position above the indication level.
When the market is in a bullish trend, the indicator becomes green. The indicator level will act as trendline support in such a scenario. The color of the indicator changes to red to indicate a negative trend once the price crosses the support line. The price uses the super trend level as a trendline resistance during a bearish move.
In our strategy, if our 1-hour and 4-hour supertrend lines show the up or down train in the same direction at the same time, we can assume that a train is forming here.
Why do I use the time of 1 hour and 4 hours ?
When I did a backtest from the past to the present, I discovered that the most accurate and consistent time zones are the 1 hour and 4 hour time zones.
By the way we can change our short term timeframe(1H) and long term timeframe(4H) from settings panel.
How do you read and use the Stoch-RSI Indicator?
This indicator analyzes price dynamics automatically to detect overbought and oversold locations.
The indicator includes:
- The primary line, which typically has values between 0 and 100;
- Two dynamic levels for overbought and oversold conditions.
IF our stoch-rsi indicator value has fallen below our lower boundary line, the oversold event has been observed in the price, if our stoch-rsi value breaks up our bottom line after becoming oversold, we think that the price will start the recovery phase.(The case is also true for the opposite.)
However, this does not always apply and we need additional approvals, Therefore, our 1H and 4H supertrrend indicator provides us with additional confirmation.
Buy Condition:
Our 1H(short term) and 4H(long term) supertrrend indicator, has given the buy signal(green line and yellow line), and if our stochrsi indicator has broken our oversold line up on the past 15 bars, the buy signal is formed here.
Sell Condition:
Our 1H(short term) and 4H(long term) supertrrend indicator, has given the sell signal(red line and orange line), and if our stochrsi indicator has broken our overbuy line down on the past 15 bars, the sell signal is formed here.
Stop Loss or Take Profit Conditions:
Exit Long Senerio:
All conditions are completed, the buy signal has arrived and we have entered a LONG trade, the 1-hour supertrend line follows the price rise(yellow line), if the price breaks below the 1-hour super trend line and a sell condition occurs for 1H timeframe for supertrend indcator, LONG trade will exit here.
Exit Short Senerio:
All conditions are completed, the Sell signal has arrived and we have entered a SHORT trade, the 1-hour supertrend line follows the price down(orange line), if the price breaks up the 1-hour super trend line and a buy condition occurs for 1H timeframe for supertrend indcator, SHORT trade will exit here.
What can you change in the settings panel?
1-We can set Start and End date for backtest and future alarms
2-We can set ATR length and Factor for supertrend indicator
3-We can set our short term and long term timeframe value
4-We can set StochRsi Up and Low limit to confirm buy and sell conditions
5-We can set stochrsi retroactive approval length
6-We can set stochrsi values or the length
7-We can set Dollar cost for per position
8- We can choose the direction of our positions, we can set only LONG, only SHORT or both directions.
9-IF you want to place automatic buy and sell orders with this strategy, you can paste your codes into the Long open-close or Short open-close message sections.
For example
IF you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}}.
When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Long Open Message
Please do not open trades without properly managing your risk and psychology!!!
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
CM_SlingShotSystem+_CassicEMA+Willams21EMA13 htc1977 editionThis strategy is a combination of 2 indicators based on EMA(actually x3 EMAs and Williams ind.
We usin this to see where EMA fast is above EMA slow(for long), entry position when price hit fast EMA and exit if trend changes or price overbought, or by stoploss 1%.
The opposite for a short position.
For better result You can change every EMA's, stoploss, Willam's ind and other visualisation in settings.
If You find good combination - please, let me know(if You want).
I will check it with ML, and attach it here.
Original indicators will write in comments
Davin's 10/200MA Pullback on SPY Strategy v2.0Strategy:
Using 10 and 200 Simple moving averages, we capitalize on price pullbacks on a general uptrend to scalp 1 - 5% rebounds. 200 MA is used as a general indicator for bullish sentiment, 10 MA is used to identify pullbacks in the short term for buy entries.
An optional bonus: market crash of 20% from 52 days high is regarded as a buy the dip signal.
An optional bonus: can choose to exit on MA crossovers using 200 MA as reference MA (etc. Hard stop on 50 cross 200)
Recommended Ticker: SPY 1D (I have so far tested on SPY and other big indexes only, other stocks appear to be too volatile to use the same short period SMA parameters effectively) + AAPL 4H
How it works:
Buy condition is when:
- Price closes above 200 SMA
- Price closes below 10 SMA
- Price dumps at least 20% (additional bonus contrarian buy the dip option)
Entry is on the next opening market day the day after the buy condition candle was fulfilled.
Sell Condition is when:
- Prices closes below 10 SMA
- Hard stop at 15% drawdown from entry price (adjustable parameter)
- Hard stop at medium term and long term MA crossovers (adjustable parameters)
So far this strategy has been pretty effective for me, feel free to try it out and let me know in the comments how you found :)
Feel free to suggest new strategy ideas for discussion and indicator building
RSI Buy & Sell Trading ScriptThis is my first attempt at a trading script using the RSI indicator for Buy & Sell signals (so please be nice but would appreciate any constructive comments).
Starting with $100 initial capital and using 10% per trade
You can select which month the backtesting starts
There is also a monthly table (sorry can’t remember who I got this from) that shows the total monthly profits, but you’ll need to turn it on by going into settings, Properties and in the Recalculate section tick the “On every tick” box
It should do the following:
Open Buy order if the RSI > 68 and the current Moving Average is greater than the previous Moving average
• TP1 = 50% of Order at 0.4%
• TP2 = 50% of order at 0.8%
• SL = 2% below entry
• Close Buy order if the RSI < 30
Open Sell order if the RSI < 28 and the current Moving Average is less than the previous Moving average
• TP1 = 50% of Order at 0.4%
• TP2 = 50% of order at 0.8%
• SL = 2% above entry
• Close Buy order if the RSI < 60
I would like to build on this if you have any ideas/ code that could help like the following:
• Move the SL to break even when it hits TP1
• Move the SL to TP1 when TP2 hits
• Moving take profit code so I can let the some of the trade stay in play (activate if it hits 1% profit and close trade if price retracts 0.5%)