Percent Change HistogramThis indicator shows you percent changes in a super visual way using a color-coded histogram.
Here's how the colors work:
🟩 Dark green = percent change is growing stronger
🟢 Light green = still positive but losing steam
🟥 Dark red = getting more negative
🔴 Light red = negative but improving
The cool part? You can set any lookback period you want. For example:
24 periods on 1H chart = last 24 hours
30 periods on daily = last month
7 periods on daily = last week
Pro tip: You're not locked to your chart's timeframe! Want to see monthly changes while trading on 5min?
No problem.
You can even stack multiple indicators to watch different intervals simultaneously (daily, weekly, monthly) - super helpful for multi-timeframe analysis.
Perfect for spotting momentum shifts across different timeframes without switching between charts.