IU Support and Resistance How this script works :
1. This script is an indicator script which calculates the support and resistance based on pivot high and pivot low and plot them as zone onto the chart.
2. The first user input is minimum number of touches which indicates how many time pivot high or pivot low should be tested in order to be a valid support or resistance level.
3.The second user input "Set Buffer" check if the user wants to use a custom buffer or not if it's unchanged then the default is 50% of the 1000 period ATR value .
4. If "Set Buffer" is checked meaning if it's set to true then only the third user input will be execute which is the "buffer" which indicates how much price range user wants his zone to have.
5. After the user input part this script create two arrays to store the pivot high and pivot low values every time he have a new value.
6. This script also creates two arrays to store the bar index of the bar where the new pivot high or pivot low is detected those bar index will be later use while creating the support and resistance zones.
7. Then the script creates four more arrays to store the final support and resistance values and their respective bar index which will be use for creating the support and resistance zones.
8. After this the script check that we are at the last bar of our chart if we are then we sort the support and resistance indices by descending order and store them into an new variable after that we sort the support and resistance arrays by descending order, then we loop through the arrays elements and we check if the previous element comes under the zone of the current element if so we increase the "minimum touch" variable by 1, once we have 5 or more count in our variable and we no longer have a valid zone then we store the element value and the sorted index of the element into our final arrays.
9. Finally the script will loop through the final support and resistance arrays and it will create a box for each support and resistance with respect to extending it on both directions.
10.The green zones are the support and the red zones are the resistance.
How user can benifits from this script:
1. User can automatically identify support and resistance zones and he can plan his trade as per that.
2. User can test how different markets reacts with support and resistance zones.
3. User can plan breakout trade on the break of the support or resistance level.
4. User can adjust he stop loss and take profit as per the support and resistance zones.
Sessions [TradingFinder] New York, London, Tokyo & Sydney ForexTiming is one of the influential factors in a trader's position. This indicator categorizes transactions into three sessions (Asia, Europe, and America). Five significant trading cities (New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, and Sydney) are selectable.
I recommend using the tool on a 5-minute time frame, but it is usable on all time frames.
• Trading sessions: Display or hide each trading session as needed.
• Color: Change the color of each box.
• Session time intervals: The default is based on the main working hours for each time interval and can be adjusted.
• Information table: Delete or display additional information table.
Information Table:
• Trading sessions
• Opening and closing times of each trading session
How to Use:
Initiating trading sessions involves entering with increased liquidity, and the market usually experiences significant movements. Many trading strategies are based on "time" and "session openings." This tool empowers traders to focus intensely on each time interval.
These trading sessions are crucial for all Forex, stock, and index traders:
The total price ceiling and floor in the Asia session (Tokyo and Sydney) are crucial for traders in the European session.
The European session starts with Frankfurt, and an hour later, London begins, collectively forming the European session.
The dashboard provides additional information, displaying hours based on UTC.
Customization options are considered in all sections so that everyone can apply their own settings.
Important: Default times are the most accurate for each region, and in most indicators, this time is not correctly selected. Therefore, the level of influence and time intervals are specified at the beginning of each session. If you are using another indicator, match its default time to the announced time and share the results with me in the comments.
RSI Candle (Tommy)This indicator is the open(free) version of TTT_Crack_RSI_Ver_2.1.0 we have published a while ago.
Hello dear traders from all over the world!
It has been a while since our team started concentrating on the technical indicators that apply sources not only on the closed price but also on the high/low prices of the candlestick to overcome the limitations of existing indicators. As mentioned repeatedly before, most of widely adapted indicators in technical chart these days are generated only with the closed prices, not taking in consideration of the wicks or tails of the candlesticks. This crucially leads to a rapid decrease in the reliability especially in current financial market, where ignoring other portions within a candlestick structure and putting weights just on candle body often causes fatal trading outcome. Since phenomenons such as wide price fluctuation and non-ideal price momentum occur more frequently compared to the old days when TA used to perfectly work just as the images in a textbook, sourcing OHLC (Open, High, Low, Closed) prices from a candle structure is becoming more essential and practical.
Such revolutionary perceptions and insights could be easily acquired: by just adding high/low prices of the candlesticks when computing technical indicators, many more meaningful signals were observed. One of the popular indicators we have recently attempted to reflect this very idea was RSI (Relative Strength Index) that was published by the name of “RSI Cloud” months ago. As shown below, this groundbreaking index was to be comprehended as a band or a cloud rather than a single line. In fact, many unexpected methodologies, techniques, and insights were discovered through countless applications as our team went through series of experiments and back/forward tests. The results were quite shocking: Little did we know that drawing trendlines, parallel channels, and previous highs/lows etc. just like we do on the regular candlestick chart would also work decisively. Not only divergences were efficiently captured, but ‘SR Flip’ techniques also functioned as well.
Anyway, validation and verification process has been successful, ensuring that taking all of the candlestick into an account within the indicators provides much more meaningful signals than the indicators with ‘closed source’, the default setting. During thousands of our trials, we questioned to ourselves: If we are going to transform candlestick structure into an equation utilizing all of the prices, why don’t we just express the index with the same format, as another candlestick? The initial intention of the clouds or bands were to adapt the tails of the candle and to smooth them out. And this radical idea changed the whole game. By applying this candlestick format insights, even more significant signals were brought up on to the surface that surprised all of us.
Without a doubt, just like the cloud version, the candlestick version even works better when applying trendlines, pivots, channels, divergences and SR Flips, etc. As we were studying behaviors of the RSI candlestick indicator, a determinant and significant signal was detected that can be usefully referred to traders and this core element is why this update extremely so innovative. We spotted that the emergence of consecutive tails could be a valuable signal that could be weighted. Especially when the tails appeared in sequence in overbought and oversold zone, a strong preference of trend reversal was observed. It was only matter of time to search for the proper parameters and values that fits the market!
And here we are, presenting our newest indicator, “TTT_Crack_RSI_2.1.0” Just like the previous version, it catches regular and hidden divergences automatically and furthermore, we made it to detect appearance of sequential candle wicks in overbought/sold zone (70 and 30 as default) signaling some possibility of trend reversal. The default setting for the consecutive wick counting (Wick Count) is 4, meaning if candle wicks are formed (Top tail in the overbought zone and bottom tail in the oversold zone) four times in a row, a triangle will appear signaling potential trend reversal. As traders’ preferences, the settings can be customized. “Wick Length” setting let users to decide the minimum size of the wick that are to be considered as the proper criteria of candlestick wick. If one wishes to only imply candle wick that are longer than certain length, he or she can increase the “Wick Length” value. We recommend 30~40 for this parameter value. Moreover, if one wants the minimum number of consecutive wicks to that are to be counted to be greater or less, he or she can put in the minimum counting number value at “Wick Count”. For example, if more conservative trader wishes to consider minimum number of consecutive wicks as 6, then the logic will signal only if the wicks appear 6 times in a row in overbought/sold zone. Overbought and oversold zone can also be modified in the settings just like the regular RSI indicator.
How to effectively use this indicator to search for a decent entry point? First of all, do not just enter position only because a single signal has been appeared. The most reliable and strong entry sign would be when the trendline/channel breaks below/above at the overbought/sold zone and at the same time, consecutive wicks and divergence signals appear as well. If all of those signals have been observed, aim for the spot when RSI escape the overbought/sold zone. That would be a proper time to enter a position. As we emphasized many times, it is very reckless to make trading decisions only with technical indicator. It might defer a little bit depending on traders’ tendency, but indicators are to be considered as a side tool to identify macro level trends and signals of possible trend reversal. Always remember, traders that rely on TA must look for the confluent zone and thus the more technical factors that overlap price-wise and time-wise, the more reliability can be given.
If you wish to try our work, please comment below or send message to this account.
Thank you very much.
본 지표는 예전 업로딩했던 TTT_Crack_RSI_Ver_2.1.0의 무료 버전입니다.
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분. 토미 트레이딩 팀의 토미입니다.
최근 저희 개발팀은 캔들차트의 종가만으로 산출되는 기술적 지표들의 한계점을 극복하고자 캔들 고/저가까지 적용을 시켜 ‘요즘 장에 더 맞는’ 지표들을 만들기 위해 많은 노력을 해왔습니다. 저희 시장 분석/시황, 강의자료, 그리고 지표 개발 문서에서 누누이 언급 드렸듯, 근래 많은 트레이더 분들에게 널리 사용되고 있는 대부분의 지표들은 캔들의 종가만 고려하는 경우가 많습니다. 비상식적이고 두 눈으로 보고도 믿기지 않을 가격 모멘텀 및 변동성이 난무하는 요즘 21세기 금융시장에서는 예전처럼 교과서에나 볼 법한 뻔하고 예측 가능한 패턴 및 형국들을 찾아보기 힘들어졌습니다. 이렇게 급변하는 최근 시장 성향 상 기술적 분석에 캔들 꼬리를 배제하고 몸통만 고려하기에는 너무 치명적인 리스크가 뒤따라오기 마련입니다.
이런 궁극적인 목표로 개발에 착수한 저희 팀은 캔들의 OHLC(시, 고, 저, 종가)를 지표에 내포시켜 더 유의미한 신호들을 도출할 수 있다는 이론을 검증하였고 이를 반영해 몇 달 전 "RSI 클라우드"를 트레이딩뷰에 출시한 바 있습니다. 아래의 링크(이미지)에서 시사하는 바와 같이 RSI 역시 주가를 하나의 라인이 아닌 구조로 해석하여 밴드나 클라우드 형태로 표현해보니 실제로 더 높은 실용성과 활용성을 입증할 수 있었습니다. 또한 수많은 실험과 백/포워드 테스팅을 거치면서 사전에 전혀 예상치 못한 방법론 및 기법들을 응용시킬 수 있다는 사실까지 밝혀냈습니다. 일반 캔들 차트처럼 추세선, 평행채널, 피봇, 그리고 전 매물대 등의 작도법을 적용시킬 수 있을뿐더러 캔들의 종가가 아닌 고/저가를 활용해보니 더 효과적인 일반/히든 다이버전스 시그널을 찾아낼 수 있었습니다. 게다가 SR Flip (지지와 저항이 뚫리면 바뀌는 현상) 이론마저 잘 먹히는 현상을 인지한 저희는 개발 방향을 이쪽으로 더 깊고 세밀하게 발전시키는 쪽으로 잡았습니다.
여러 시행착오를 통해 이것저것 될 만한 건 다 시도해보던 와중, 저희는 어느 날 문득 이런 질문을 던지게 됩니다. ‘어차피 이왕 캔들의 OHLC 값을 지표화 시키는 거 차라리 지표마저 동일하게 캔들화시키는 게 낫지 않을까?’ 결과는 매우 충격적이면서도 동시에 저희에게 허탈감을 안겨줬습니다. 곰곰이 생각해보니 클라우드/밴드 형태의 지표는 적용시킨 캔들의 고/저가를 일련의 Smoothing out 프로세싱 작업을 입힌 거고 그럴 바엔 오히려 동일한 캔들 형태로 표현해버리면 더 직관적인 경향성과 규칙성을 파악할 수 있을 거란 저희의 예상은 적중했습니다. 클라우드/밴드 지표 형식의 모든 차별성과 장점은 그대로 유지하고 심지어 더 유의미한 신호들을 포착할 수 있었습니다.
해당 산출물에 추세선, 평행채널, 피봇, 전 매물대, 그리고 SR FLIP과 같은 작도법과 다이버전스 시그널 등을 더 세밀하고 효율적으로 적용시킬 수 있는 건 물론이고, 그 외 저희는 또 한가지 결정적이고 획기적인 시그널을 탐지했습니다. 사실 이 부분이 이번 업데이트의 가장 핵심 요소라고 볼 수 있습니다. 캔들스틱화된 RSI 지표의 경향성 및 규칙성 고찰 과정 중 캔들 꼬리가 연속적으로 출현하는 현상에 심상치 않은 기운을 감지한 저희 팀은 정말 소름이 돋을 정도로 용이한 추세 전환 시그널을 발견했습니다. 바로 과매도 구간에서는 아래꼬리, 과매수 구간에서는 위꼬리가 연달아 나올 경우 상당히 높은 확률로 변곡점이 출현하고 추세가 전환되는 경향성에 가중치를 부여해 이에 최적화된 파라미터 및 설정 값들을 찾아 로직화 시켜봤습니다. 결과는 아주 만족스러웠습니다.
이름하여 저희의 최신 지표인 "TTT_Crack_RSI_2.1.0"를 여러분께 소개 드립니다. 이전 버전인 “RSI Cloud”와 마찬가지로, 종가가 아닌 고/저가의 일반/히든 다이버전스 시그널을 알아서 포착해주고, 더 나아가 과매매 구간(기본 값은 30/70이며 설정 변경 가능)에서 RSI 캔들 꼬리의 연속성을 자동으로 감지해 표시(삼각형)를 해주게 끔 만들었습니다. 과매매 구간에서 연이어 출현하는 캔들 꼬리 카운팅의 최소 값은 4으로 디폴트 값 설정을 해 놨습니다. 더 보수적/공격적으로 접근하고 싶으신 분들은, 즉 최소 카운팅 값을 4이 아닌 다른 값으로 변경하고 싶으신 분들은 설정에 들어가셔서 “Wick Count” 항목에 원하는 값을 기재하시면 됩니다.
캔들 꼬리라는 게 어떻게 보면 상대적이고 주관적인 개념일 수 있습니다. 캔들꼬리가 조금만 나와도 의미 부여를 할 수 있는가 하면 특정 이상 길이 아니면 의미 부여를 하지 않을 수 있습니다. 저희는 유저들에게 최대한 높은 유동성을 제공하고자 본 메커니즘이 정의하는 캔들 꼬리 길이를 변경할 수 있도록 만들어 놨습니다. ‘Wick Length” 설정 값을 통해 해당 로직이 간주하는 최소 캔들꼬리 길이를 정할 수 있습니다. 기본 설정 값은 30으로 되어 있고, 경험상 30~40 정도가 적당하다고 보고 있습니다.
마지막으로 해당 지표로 효과적인 진입 타점을 찾는 법을 간략히 알려드리겠습니다. 우선 절대로 아무 시그널 하나 툭 떴다고 무조건 바로 진입하는 건 절대 삼가해주세요. 가급적이면 과매매 구간에서 추세선/채널 이탈, 연속 캔들 꼬리 신호, 그리고 다이버전스가 동시에 떴을 상황을 예의주시하시면 됩니다. 이렇게 비교적 비슷한 시간에 유의미한 신호들이 포착되었다면 또 바로 진입하지 마시고 조금 더 기다리셨다가 과매매 구간을 벗어나는 타이밍을 노리시면 됩니다. 항상 강조드리지만 기술적 지표 하나만 가지고 트레이딩 의사결정을 하는 건 정말 무모한 행위입니다. 개인의 매매성향 마다 다르겠지만 기술적 지표는 항상 큰 추세와 변곡 출현 가능성을 파악하는데 참고하는 용도로 사용 하셔야지 그렇지 않으면 캔들차트는 아예 꺼버리고 지표만 보고 매매하는 꼴이 됩니다.
Master Fren Jedi HelperDescription:
The "Master Fren Jedi Helper" is a TradingView indicator designed to enhance trading analysis by plotting distinct lines at crucial times of the trading day.
This indicator is an invaluable tool for traders who focus on intraday price movements and patterns around specific times. Its primary features include:
Customizable Time Markers: The script allows users to mark specific times of the day with lines of different colors and styles. These times are adjustable based on the user's timezone and preferences.
Configurable Line Properties: Users can customize the color and style of each line. The script offers options for a green line at 7 AM, a red line at 11 AM, a grey line at midnight, and a yelow line to denote the daily open.
Time Zone Adjustment: To work with New York time zone, you have ability to adjust for different time zones. Users can input their time zone offset, advised to use UTC -5 allowing the script to plot the lines accurately according to their local time.
Day Labels: The indicator also labels each day of the week at midnight, providing a clear and easy way to track the days on the chart.
Functionality Overview:
Green Line at 7 AM: This line helps identify the early morning market sentiment. Users can customize the color and style of this line.
Red Line at 11 AM: Plotted to highlight mid-morning price levels, this line is also customizable in color and style.
Grey Line at Midnight: Marks the start of a new trading day. The line style and color can be personalized.
Yellow Line for Daily Open: Indicates the opening price of the day. The line's color and style are adjustable.
Time Zone Configuration: Users can set their local time zone to ensure the lines correspond accurately with their specific market hours.
Day of the Week Labels: Each midnight is labeled with the day of the week, aiding in the weekly analysis of price patterns.
This indicator is perfect for traders who need to quickly identify key times and price levels each day. It's easily configurable to suit various trading strategies and assists in enhancing the visual representation of intraday market dynamics.
Advanced Volume Analytics and Distribution IndicatorThe Advanced Volume Analytics and Distribution Indicator is a sophisticated tool designed for financial analysts and traders who seek in-depth insights into market volume dynamics. This Pine Script-based indicator is a comprehensive solution, offering a rich set of features that analyze volume data using various statistical methods and theories. It's tailored for those who require a deeper understanding of market movements and volume distribution.
Key Features:
Volume Distribution Analysis: Utilizes standard deviation and mean calculations to analyze the distribution of trading volume. Employs z-scores to measure the standard deviations of volume from its mean, offering insights into volume anomalies.
Bell Curve Modeling: Constructs a bell curve (normal distribution) based on volume data, enabling users to visualize and assess the distribution of volume in a standard statistical format.
Provides a z-score based bell curve, offering a normalized view of volume deviations.
Exponential Smoothing: Applies exponential smoothing to volume data, giving more weight to recent observations. This feature is crucial for analyzing trending behaviors in volume data.
Stress Metric Calculation: Introduces a unique 'stress' metric, calculated using a custom formula. This metric is designed to evaluate the volatility or variability in the volume data over a specified period.
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) Mean Estimation: Implements CLT for estimating the mean of volume data. The CLT states that the distribution of sample means approximates a normal distribution as the sample size becomes larger.
Variance Point Estimation: Calculates the variance of volume data, providing insights into its variability and consistency over time.
Chi-Squared Test (Commented): Although not active in the initial release, the script includes a framework for a Chi-Squared Test to compare observed and expected volume frequencies, offering potential for future statistical comparisons.
Percentile Calculations and Convolution: Performs percentile calculations on volume data and employs convolution to these percentiles, enabling a more nuanced analysis of volume distribution.
Customizability: Users can input various parameters like anchor period, degrees of freedom, and smoothing preferences, making the tool adaptable to different analysis needs.
Visualization and Plotting: Features multiple plots for easy visualization of volume metrics, including stress, bell curves, point estimators, and smoothed data.
Theoretical Foundations:
This indicator is grounded in established statistical theories and methods, including the Central Limit Theorem, Chi-Squared Test (for future implementations), and convolution techniques. These foundations ensure that the indicator not only provides practical insights but also maintains a high standard of statistical rigor.
Intended Users:
This indicator is ideal for technical analysts, traders, and financial professionals who require a deep and statistically sound understanding of market volume behavior.
Release Notes:
This tool is designed a theoretical test of established statistical models and requires familiarity with Pine Script for customization. Future updates may include activation and expansion of the Chi-Squared Test functionality and additional statistical modules based on user feedback. It should be noted that it is advisable to use a logarithmic-inverted scale; when combined, these scales can provide a unique perspective that neither could offer alone. This combination might be particularly useful in highlighting exponential growth or decay trends, or in cases where the most significant data points are in the lower range of the dataset.
Notes of Stress Calculations:
The "stress metric" in the script is a custom-designed feature intended to measure the level of variability or volatility in the volume data over a given time period. This metric is calculated using a novel approach with concepts similar to those used in the field of engineering , particularly in stress analysis and finite element analysis (FEA).
Segmentation of Time Frame:
The script divides the given time frame (timeFrame) into smaller segments based on a specified number of units (units). This segmentation essentially breaks down the entire period into smaller, more manageable intervals for analysis. For each segment, the script calculates a 'stress' value. This involves iterating through each segment and performing calculations based on the source data (src), the default src is the volume data.
Calculation per Segment:
For each segment, the script identifies two points: the starting point (x1) and the ending point (x2). It then retrieves the corresponding values of the source data at these points (y1 and y2).
It calculates the difference in the x-axis (delta_x, the length of the segment) and the difference in the y-axis (delta_y, the change in volume over that segment).
Stress Calculation:
The script then calculates the 'stress' for each segment as the ratio of delta_y to delta_x. This ratio gives a measure of how much the volume has changed per unit of time within each segment. The stress values for each segment are then summed up to provide a cumulative measure of stress over the entire time frame.
The stress metric is essentially a measure of the volatility or variability in volume data. High stress values indicate larger changes in volume over shorter periods, suggesting more volatile market conditions. For traders and analysts, understanding the level of volatility is crucial. It can inform decision-making processes, risk management strategies, and provide insights into market sentiment. By comparing stress levels across different time frames or different securities, analysts can gain insights into relative market dynamics.
AlgoRhythmica - Liquidity MapThe AlgoRhythmica - Liquidity Map is a complex and performance heavy indicator, attempting to visualize and highlight areas of liquidity on the chart. It paints lines above and below price with different color and opacity based on the volume, and then highlight the areas with the highest cumulative volume.
What is liquidity and a liquidity map?
Liquidity refers to how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price. High liquidity means that there are many buyers and sellers, and transactions can happen rapidly and smoothly.
Liquidity analysis involves examining where and how liquidity is distributed across different price levels.
Price often moves from liquidity zone to liquidity zone, and therefore, having an idea of where those zones are can give traders an understanding of potential support and resistance levels and where significant trading activities might occur.
Those looking to fill large buy orders for example would want to do that in liquid sell areas and vice versa. This indicator attempts to estimate the price levels where traders using leverage get liquidated, and therefore creates liquid areas for buying and selling.
In contrast to Bookmaps which chart the orders in the order book where traders want to transact, a liquidity map is charting where traders are 'forced' to transact due to stop-losses or margin calls. To do that, liquidity maps are mostly based on estimations. It could be based on pivot points, common stop-loss amounts, common leverage amounts or a combination of multiple factors.
As of the current version on release, this indicator is only using the leverage input by the user to estimate the liquidity.
How does it work and what makes it unique?
The indicator takes the volume in a candle and saves that volume in a line. Based on the leverage settings it then offsets that line above and below price. Say, a trader using 20x leverage without a stop-loss gets liquidated if price goes roughly 5% in the wrong direction. Therefore, by assuming common leverage amounts or common risk amounts, we can estimate where traders get liquidated or have their stop-losses based on their leverage or amount they are willing to risk.
Now keep in mind, this liquidity map is just estimating based on general assumptions, it doesn't have access to actual liquidity data.
But at the same time, we're not trading single individual traders, but we're trading the market as a whole, and interestingly enough, some risk and leverage amounts are more common than others. People like using those even numbers like 10x, 20x, 1% risk etc. That's why price do often react on the liquidity in liquidity maps such as this one.
So, when a candle is printed, and you are on a smaller timeframe and decided this is just the kind of market for 100x scalpers. You set the leverage to 100x in the settings and the indicator will paint lines above and below price offset by 1%. There are settings for three leverage amounts at the same time, so you might also set it to paint lines at 5% and 10%, just to catch those traders on higher timeframes if price really takes off.
Now let's talk about what makes this indicator really shine and stand out!
Normally, if we just left the indicator doing as above, there would be lines all over the place and very difficult to interpret which areas matter, or we could limit the indicator to only print lines at high volume candles. Now, you do have that option, but that wouldn't pick up areas where low volume trading has cumulated in the same range, such as over a weekend or during market gaps. Where other liquidity indicators out there might miss that liquidity, this indicator has several solutions for it.
The first solution is stacking semi-transparent lines on top of each other. Normally, lines of the same color and transparency wouldn't add and blend together. But this script offers a seamless transition from one color the next, blending those low volume liquidity lines together.
The second solution, and this is what I believe is really unique and powerful, is that this indicator also has the ability highlight certain liquidity. When enabled, it scans through all the lines, cumulate the volume within a specified range around the lines and then compare the cumulated volume range with the ranges around the other lines. New lines created in the range with the highest cumulated volume gets highlighted.
Without this feature you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell which of two strong areas are more liquid. When price later enters that area and crosses those lines, the liquidity there is then considered consumed and lines created in a different range will now begin to highlight.
All of this is of course enhanced, as in the picture above, when multiple copies of the indicator is used together and assigned to only calculate specific parts of the liquidity map, such as longs, shorts or specific leverage amounts.
Oh, and there's also options for assigning which part of the candle should generate the liquidity. Close, Middle Body or Open. The indicator will then assume that the majority of traders are entering their position in that part of the candle.
The offset is calculated from that part of the candle. By using multiple copies of the indicator, you can assign one for each part and that will give you the whole range of the candle. And you might assume more traders go long from the top, so to emphasize that liquidity, you could increase the size or transparency slightly of the lines generated from that part.
How do I use it?
Well, this isn't gonna give you trading signals or anything, but it will visualize the market for you in a new perspective.
Typically, high liquidity areas are often good areas for entry and TP. But always watch how the price reacts in those areas before entering a position. And remember, the liquidity estimation might not always be accurate.
Particularly watch the highlighted areas for long wicks and high volume, indicating that the liquidity was enough to meet the orders and a retrace or reversal could be imminent.
Watch what happens during consolidation, market gaps and weekends. Notice the lack of liquidity and how the market maker creates liquidity by inducing traders to take positions with quick moves that instantly reverses. You might know how that works in theory, but watching it happen real-time with visualized liquidity is very interesting.
While not necessary, and as I've mentioned earlier, dividing the different functions of the indicator on multiple copies will substantially increase it's accuracy and performance!
For example, use one copy of the indicator per leverage level, or one for shorts, one for longs. One that generates from the close, one from the middle etc. creating a much clearer picture of the liquidity like the picture comparison above.
This is what the indicator offers:
When you're estimating liquidity, you want to be able to do it with accuracy and interpretability. That's why the customization options of this indicator has been really important in the development.
Timeframe Options:
It supports a wide range of time periods, from daily to yearly, enabling traders to apply it across various trading strategies, from short-term day trading to long-term investment analysis. Assuming traders are eventually taking their profits, liquidity after the set time period disappears.
Rich Visual Settings:
The indicator comes with multiple preset color themes and a completely customizable option as well. These visual settings are designed to enhance the interpretability of liquidity data, with adjustable transparency and contrast features.
Liquidity Highlighting Function:
This unique feature emphasizes areas with high liquidity concentration. It scans and highlights significant liquidity zones, aiding traders in identifying critical market levels.
Liquidity Profile:
The LQ-Profile extends liquidity lines based on their associated volume, giving traders another way of identifying high liquidity zones.
Adjustable Liquidity Estimation:
Select and adjust leverage amounts based on your particular chart and analysis. Choose what positions and leverage amounts to display liquidity for. You also have the option to determine if wicks consume liquidity or not.
Since wicks indicate that price was rejected from that area, it doesn't necessarily mean all the liquidity in that area was consumed. You could assign an additional copy of the indicator consuming with wicks and another that doesn't. That way, half the liquidity gets consumed and the other half remains until another candle closes in that area. They choices are endless and it's all about your understanding and analysis here.
Multiple Performance Options:
Depending on your particular chart and timeframe, this indicator can be very performance heavy to load. Luckily it has plenty of performance options for limiting the calculations of the indicator.
As usual, this indicator comes with extensive tooltips for every function, making sure you understand every part of it.
Happy trading!
itradesize /\ IPDA Look Back - for any timeframeThe script automatically calculates the 20-40-60 look-back periods and their premium and discount ranges.
The base concept is from ICT’s IPDA which should be applied to the daily timeframe but now you can use that same concept on the lower timeframes .
The higher the timeframes you use the more reliable it will be ( when we are talking about lower timeframes than Daily ).
- With the use of the indicator you can apply it on any timeframe with ease.
- You can customize the coloring of premium & discount, frame lines, and even the look of it.
- Hide or show the EQ levels
Below the IPDA texts the indicator shows the actual percentage of the selected range based on the current price fluctuations.
The script handles the 20-40-60 days look-back as fractals so it can be applied on lower timeframes.
The basics:
- The Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm (IPDA): The algorithm creates a shift on the daily chart every 20, 40, and 60 trading days.
- These are the IPDA look-back periods. Every 20 trading days or so there is a new liquidity pool forming on both sides of the market based on ICT concepts.
- Determine the IPDA Data Range of the land 20 trading days.
- Note the highest high & lowest low in the past 20 trading days. Identify the institutional order flow and mark the relevant PD arrays in the selected IPDA look-back period we deemed useful for our trading style.
- This is your current dealing range.
- If the price consolidates for 20 days, consider switching to a 40-day look back.
Inside this dealing range, we look for the next draw on liquidity. Is it reaching for a liquidity pool or is it looking to rebalance at a particular PD Array. This is going to the Bias.
Which IPDA data range should you use?
IPDA20 can be our Short Term range - fit for intraday traders at most
IPDA40 can be our Swing Trade range - have a clear indication of the market profile
IPDA60 can be our range for position trading - have a clear indication of the market profile
Buy and hold visualiserThis indicator shows the historical performance of a buy and hold portfolio. The purpose of the indicator is to show
1. the effect of the hold time (time between buying and selling a number of instruments) and
2. the effect of investing all capital at once (lump sum) versus dividing the investment over a number of months or years (cost averaging).
The indicator shows four lines:
- a dotted line at 0 (dollar or any other currency),
- a dotted line at the level of initial investment,
- a blue line that shows the amount of capital after selling at the end of the investment period after a lump sum investment,
- a green line that shows the amount of capital after selling at the end of the investment period after an investment that was done in chunks (cost averaging)
When 'chunks' is set to 1, the green line will match the blue line.
When 'investment' is set to 1, the blue and green lines will show the factor by which the initial investment was multiplied at the end of the investment period.
The effect of the hold time can be easily seen in the following example: Choose SPX (CBOE) as the active instrument, set 'chunks' to 1 and 'months' to 12. Depending on when you bought your portfolio, selling it a year later is like tossing a coin. Set 'months' to 360 and it becomes clear that it doesn't matter when you buy, the value of your portfolio will likely multiply considerably in 30 years, even if you bought everything all at once just before a bear market. It shows that with a long time horizon, you don't have to worry about timing the market.
Continue the example above and set 'chunks' to 12, thus spreading the initial investment over 12 months. The green line shows the cost averaging performance. The blue lump sum line is above the green line most of the time. Increase the chunks to 60 and the difference increases.
Modern Portfolio TheoryModern Portfolio Theory
The indicator is designed to apply the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory, a financial theory developed by Harry Markowitz. MPT aims to maximize portfolio returns for a given level of risk by diversifying investments.
User Inputs:
Users can customize various parameters, including the bar scale, risk-free rate, and the start year for the portfolio. Additionally, users can assign weights to different assets (symbols) in the portfolio.
Asset Selection:
Users can choose up to 10 different symbols (assets) for the portfolio. The script supports a variety of symbols, including cryptocurrencies such as BTCUSD and ETHUSD.
Weights and Allocation:
Users can assign weights to each selected asset, determining its percentage allocation in the portfolio. The script calculates the total portfolio weight to ensure it equals 100%. If total portfolio weight is lower then 100% you will see orange color with additional cash % bellow
If total portfolio weight is bigger then 100% you will see red big % warning.
Warning: (Total Weight must be 100%)
Cash Mode:
Risk and Return Calculation:
The script calculates the daily returns and standard deviation for each selected asset. These metrics are essential for assessing the risk and return of each asset, as well as the overall portfolio.
Scatter Plot Visualization:
The indicator includes a scatter plot that visualizes the risk-return profile of each asset. Each point on the plot represents an asset, and its position is determined by its risk (X-axis) and return (Y-axis).
Portfolio Optimization:
The script calculates the risk and return of the overall portfolio based on the selected assets and their weights. Based on the selected assets and their weights user can create optimal portfolio with preferable risk and return.
It then plots the portfolio point on the scatter plot, indicating its risk-return profile.
Additional Information:
The indicator provides a table displaying information about each selected asset, including its symbol, weight, and total portfolio weight. The table also shows the total portfolio weight and, if applicable, the percentage allocated to cash.
Visualization and Legend:
The script includes visual elements such as a legend, capital allocation line (CAL), and labels for risk-free rate and key information. This enhances the overall understanding of the portfolio's risk and return characteristics.
User Guidance:
The script provides informative labels and comments to guide users through the interpretation of the scatter plot, risk-return axes, and other key elements.
Users can interact with the indicator on the TradingView platform, exploring different asset combinations and weightings to observe the resulting changes in the portfolio's risk and return.
In summary, this Pine Script serves as a comprehensive tool for traders and investors interested in applying Modern Portfolio Theory principles to optimize their portfolio allocations based on individual asset characteristics, risk preferences, and return
itradesize /\ Silver Bullet x Macro x KillzoneThis indicator shows the best way to annotate ICT Killzones, Silver Bullet and Macro times on the chart. With the help of a new pane, it will not distract your chart and will not cause any distractions to your eye, or brain but you can see when will they happen.
The indicator also draws everything beforehand when a proper new day starts.
You can customize them how you want to show up.
Collapsed or full view?
You can hide any of them and keep only the ones you would like to.
All the colors can be customized, texts & sizes or just use shortened texts and you are also able to hide those drawings which are older than the actual day.
You should minimize the pane where the script has been automatically drawn to therefore you will have the best experience and not show any distractions.
The script automatically shows the time-based boxes, based on the New York timezone.
Killzone Time windows ( for indices ):
London KZ 02:00 - 05:00
New York AM KZ 07:00 - 10:00
New York PM KZ 13:30 - 16:00
Silver Bullet times:
03:00 - 04:00
10:00 - 11:00
14:00 - 15:00
Macro times:
02:33 - 03:00
04:03 - 04:30
08:50 - 0910
09:50 - 10:10
10:50 - 11:10
11:50 - 12:50
Envelope and Moving Average**Description:**
- This script creates an indicator that combines an envelope and a simple moving average (MA).
- The envelope is constructed using a specified length, percentage deviation, and source price (close by default).
- The moving average is calculated based on a specified length and source price.
1. Envelope:
- Length: Number of periods used for the envelope calculation (default is 20).
- Percentage Deviation: Percentage above and below the envelope basis (default is 10%).
- Source: The price used for the envelope calculation (default is close).
- Exponential MA: Option to use exponential moving average for the envelope basis (default is false).
2. Moving Average:
- Length: Number of periods used for the moving average calculation (default is 20).
- Source: The price used for the moving average calculation (default is close).
- The script plots the envelope basis, upper envelope line, and lower envelope line.
- The area between the upper and lower envelope lines is filled with a semi-transparent color for better visualization.
- The moving average is plotted on the chart with a specified color and line width.
**How to Use in a Strategy:**
1. **Envelope Crossovers:**
- Go Long (Buy): When the close price crosses above the upper envelope line.
- Go Short (Sell): When the close price crosses below the lower envelope line.
2. **Moving Average Crossovers:**
- Go Long (Buy): When the close price crosses above the moving average.
- Go Short (Sell): When the close price crosses below the moving average.
3. **Confirmation:**
- Consider additional confirmation signals or filters to improve the robustness of your strategy.
- For example, you might require a certain amount of price momentum or use other technical indicators in conjunction with envelope and moving average signals.
4. **Optimization:**
- Experiment with different parameter values (e.g., envelope length, percentage deviation, moving average length) to optimize the strategy for specific market conditions.
5. **Risk Management:**
- Implement proper risk management techniques, such as setting stop-loss orders and position sizing, to control risk.
Remember to thoroughly backtest any strategy before deploying it in a live trading environment. Additionally, consider the current market conditions and adapt your strategy accordingly.
Leveraged Share Decay Tracker [SS]Releasing this utility tool for leveraged share traders and investors.
It is very difficult to track the amount of decay and efficiency that is associated with leveraged shares and since not all leveraged shares are created equally, I developed this tool to help investors/traders ascertain:
1. The general risk, in $$, per share associated with investing in a particular leveraged ETF
2. The ability of a leveraged share to match what it purports to do (i.e. if it is a 3X Bull share, is it actually returning consistently 3X the underlying or is there a large variance?)
3. The general decay at various timepoints expressed in $$$
How to use:
You need to be opened on the chart of the underlying. In the example above, the chart is on DIA, the leveraged share being tracked is UDOW (3X bull share of the DOW).
Once you are on the chart of the underlying, you then put in the leveraged share of interest. The indicator will perform two major assessments:
1. An analysis of the standard error between the underlying and the leveraged share. This is accomplished through linear regression, but instead of creating a linreg equation, it simply uses the results to ascertain the degree of error associated at various time points (the time points are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 252).
2. An analysis of the variance of returns. The indicator requires you to put in the leverage amount. So if the leverage amount is 3% (i.e. SPXL or UPRO is 3 X SPY), be sure that you are putting that factor in the settings. It will then modify the underlying to match the leverage amount, and perform an assessment of variance over 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 252 days to ensure stability. This will verify whether the leveraged ETF is actually consistently performing how it purports to perform.
Here are some examples, and some tales of caution so you can see, for yourself, how not all leveraged shares are created equal.
XBI and LABU (3 x bull share):
XBI and LABD (3 x bear share):
It is VERY pivotal you remember to check and adjust the Leveraged % factor.
For example, AAPU is leveraged 1.5%. You can see above it tracks this well. However, if you accidently leave it at 3%, you will get an erroneous result:
You can also see how some can fail to track the quoted leveraged amount, but still produce relatively lower risk decay.
And, as a final example, let's take a look at the worst leveraged share of life, BOIL:
Trainwreck that one. Stay far away from it!
The chart:
The chart will show you the drift (money value over time) and the variance (% variance between the expected and actual returns) over time. From here, you can ascertain the general length you feel comfortable holding a leveraged share. In general, for most stable shares, <= 50 trading days tends to be the sweet spot, but always check the chart.
There are also options to plot the variances and the drifts so you can see them visually.
And that is the indicator! Kind of boring, but there are absolutely 0 resources out there for doing this job, so hopefully you see the use for it!
Safe trades everyone!
[Suitable Hope] Crypto Marketcap Dominance OverviewThe Crypto Marketcap Dominance Overview indicator is a simple yet very useful indicator that aims at helping traders identify where the crypto liquidity is flowing. The indicator uses Cryptocap's real time crypto marketcap dominance data (in %) between several key categories:
- Bitcoin
- True total 2 (altcoins and Ethereum excluding the top 3 biggest stablecoins)
- True total 3 (altcoins excl. Ethereum and the top 3 biggest stablecoins)
- Ethereum
- Stablecoins
- Defi.
The indicator works across all timeframes but is best used on the default daily timeframe to identify changes in liquidity trends between the different categories. More categories can be expected to be added in the future; depending on Cryptocap's available data.
Traders or users of this indicator have a selections of options:
- Choose a dedicated timeframe
- Turn on/off the individual categories they wish to use
- Turn on/off labels
- Change global colour coding of each category and label
- Activate or deactive the 0 to 100% bands
Although there are a couple of similar indicators trying to do something similar, I tend to find them lacking clarity. I coded this indicator to provide a more simple and clearer view of the crypto marketcap dominance. I hope you find this indicator helpful.
Happy trading and good luck!
Bias DailyThis indicator shows in a different way how to evaluate the BIAS Daily.
Evaluate yesterday's closed candle and that of the day before yesterday
The conditions are:
Candle closed above High Candle [2 ]
- In this condition a long continuation can be considered
The candle closed below the low candle [2 ]
- In this condition a short continuation can be considered
The candle did not close below or above the Low and High candle
- In this condition it is better not to risk it
The user has the possibility to:
- Choose to show high or low BIAS levels
- Shows the Table in which the BIAS D is marked
The indicator should be used as TTrades shows in its videos, it can also be implemented in ICT strategies.
The indicator takes into consideration the last 2 candles already closed, so on the candle that is forming you can expect reactions in the Pd Array of the Candle Range , below I show examples of how to use it in Multitimeframe
HL range by durgaThe script we've been working on is an indicator designed to display the high-low range of the last candlestick on a TradingView chart. It does so by plotting two lines: one for the high and another for the low of the last completed candlestick.
Additionally, the script includes a label that shows the numerical value of the high-low range. This label is positioned between the plotted lines, showing the difference between the high and low prices of the last candlestick.
The script operates in real-time, updating dynamically as new candlesticks form. Furthermore, it automatically removes the label after the close of the candlestick, maintaining a clean and clutter-free chart.
This indicator can help traders quickly visualize and assess the range of the last completed candlestick, aiding in their analysis of price action.
CARNAC Magic DCAThe "CARNAC Magic DCA" indicator is designed for investors looking for the best opportunities for Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA).
How it works:
The Carnac Dynamic DCA Threshold calculates a dynamic threshold for DCA entries using Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Average True Range (ATR), and the maximum distance from the EMA over a full lookback period, aiding in identifying optimal buy opportunities. It also only signals a DCA buying opportunity after a bearish candle, which helps lower the average DCA price.
Configurable Inputs:
EMA Start Length: Sets the initial length for the series of EMAs, affecting their sensitivity to price changes.
ATR Length: Determines the period for the ATR calculation, influencing the dynamic DCA threshold's responsiveness to market volatility.
ATR Multiplier: Modifies the impact of the ATR on the DCA threshold, allowing for finer control over the threshold's sensitivity to volatility.
Start Calculation From: Enables setting a specific start date for calculations, tailoring the analysis to a particular trading period.
DCA Buy Signal Alert: Generates an alert when the price is below both the dynamic DCA threshold and the opening price, indicating a potential buy signal based on DCA strategy.
Ten EMAs: Carnac Magic DCA includes a ten EMA plot, which decrease in length from the user-defined starting length, offering a multi-layered trend analysis.
EMA Color Coding: The sequential arrangement of EMAs is visually represented through color coding, facilitating quick trend recognition.
Average Buy Price Analysis: Calculates and displays the average buy price and its percentage difference from the average closing price since the user-defined start date, helping assess the strategy’s effectiveness compared to traditional DCA methods (purchasing at the close of every candle).
Visual Indicators and Labels: Includes visual alerts for buy signals and informative labels showing average buy prices and related statistics.
Bubble Risk IndicatorThe Bubble Risk Indicator is a sophisticated tool designed to assess the potential risk level of a trading instrument by measuring its deviation from a 20-week Simple Moving Average (SMA). This dynamic indicator visually represents the deviation with a color-changing line, indicating the degree of risk based on the distance from the SMA.
🔷 Calculation
The indicator calculates the deviation from the 20-week SMA and expresses it as a percentage extension:
20-Week SMA : Averages the closing prices over the past 20 periods, providing a consistent measure of the long-term trend.
Deviation Percentage : Measures the percentage difference between the current closing price and the 20-week SMA.
🔷 Color Coding
The line changes color based on the deviation level to represent different risk levels. Users can customize these colors as per their preferences. However, the following are the default recommended settings:
Extreme Low Risk (Below 0) : Blue
Low Risk (Below 0) : Light Blue
Low Risk (Above 0) : Light Purple
Medium Risk : Orange
High Risk : Red
Colors transition smoothly to reflect the increasing or decreasing risk based on the deviation from the SMA.
🔷 Customization
Users have the flexibility to change the colors representing each risk level through the indicator settings. While the default colors are recommended for a standard view, users comfortable with custom color schemes can adjust according to their preference.
🔷 Usage
This indicator is beneficial for gauging the relative risk associated with current price movements compared to a historical average. It's most effective when used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and market knowledge.
🔷 Limitations
While the Bubble Risk Indicator provides valuable insights, it should form part of a broader trading strategy. It assesses risk levels based on historical data and does not predict future market directions.
🔷 Conclusion
The Bubble Risk Indicator offers a nuanced and visually intuitive way to understand market risk levels, providing traders with an additional tool for informed decision-making.
🔷 Risk Disclaimer
Trading involves significant risk and is not suitable for every investor. The value of investments can fluctuate. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your circumstances and seek independent advice before making financial decisions. This indicator is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as financial advice.
Mean Reversion with Incremental Entry Alerts by HedgerLabsThe "Mean Reversion with Incremental Entry Alerts" is a sophisticated TradingView indicator designed by HedgerLabs. It's built on the concept of mean reversion, a fundamental trading strategy in financial markets. This indicator is tailored for traders seeking systematic and disciplined entry points in volatile markets.
Key Features:
Moving Average (MA) Based: At its core, the indicator utilizes a simple moving average (SMA) as the baseline for mean reversion. You can customize the length of the MA according to your trading style.
Initial Entry Conditions: The script generates initial buy and sell alerts based on a defined percentage deviation from the moving average. This approach allows traders to enter trades at points where the price significantly deviates from its mean, potentially signaling a reversion opportunity.
Buy and Sell Signals: Clear visual cues are provided for buy and sell positions, making it easy to interpret and act upon the signals.
Close Conditions: In addition to entry signals, the indicator also plots closing signals (green and red crosses) when the price touches the moving average. This feature assists in timely exits from positions, aiming to optimize trade outcomes.
Alert System: Integrated alert conditions notify you when a new buy or sell order condition is met, as well as when to close existing positions. This ensures you never miss an opportunity or an exit point.
Usage Scenario:
This indicator is particularly useful in markets where prices tend to revert to a mean value over time. It's ideal for day traders who focus on asset price volatility.
Please note that this tool is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Trading involves substantial risk, including the potential loss of principal. We recommend conducting your research and consulting with a financial expert before making any investment decisions.
VWAP, MFI, RSI with S/R StrategyBest for 0dte/intraday trading on AMEX:SPY with 1 minute chart
Strategy Concept
This strategy aims to identify potential reversal points in a price trend by combining momentum indicators (RSI and MFI), volume-weighted price (VWAP), and recent price action trends. It looks for conditions where the price is poised to change direction, either bouncing off a support level in a potential uptrend or falling from a resistance level in a potential downtrend.
By incorporating both price level analysis (support/resistance) and momentum indicators, the strategy seeks to increase the likelihood of identifying significant trend reversals, taking into consideration both recent price movements and the current price's position relative to historical highs and lows.
VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price)
VWAP acts as a benchmark to determine the general market trend. It's an average price weighted by volume.
A price above VWAP is often considered bullish, and a price below VWAP is seen as bearish.
MFI (Money Flow Index) and RSI (Relative Strength Index) Parameters
MFI is a volume-weighted RSI, used to identify overbought (above 70) or oversold (below 30) conditions.
RSI is a momentum indicator that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to identify overbought or oversold conditions, similar to MFI.
The script uses standard overbought (70) and oversold (30) thresholds for both MFI and RSI.
Trend Check Function
The function trendCheck analyzes the past pastBars candles to count how many were bullish (closing price higher than the opening price) and bearish.
This function is used to assess the recent trend direction.
Support and Resistance Detection
The script calculates the highest high (highestHigh) and lowest low (lowestLow) over the last lookbackSR (50) periods to identify potential support and resistance levels.
isNearSupport and isNearResistance are conditions to check if the current price is within 0.08% of these identified levels, indicating proximity to support or resistance.
Buy and Sell Logic
Buy Signal:
The RSI crosses over the oversold threshold (30).
The MFI is also below its oversold level (30).
The current price is above the VWAP.
The recent trend (past 20 bars) has been predominantly bearish.
The price is near the identified support level.
Sell Signal:
The RSI crosses under the overbought threshold (70).
The MFI is above its overbought level (70).
The current price is below the VWAP.
The recent trend has been predominantly bullish.
The price is near the identified resistance level.
Triple Confirmation Kernel Regression Overlay [QuantraSystems]Kernel Regression Oscillator - Overlay
The Kernel Regression Oscillator (ᏦᏒᎧ) represents an advanced tool for traders looking to capitalize on market trends.
This Indicator is valuable in identifying and confirming trend directions, as well as probabilistic and dynamic oversold and overbought zones.
It achieves this through a unique composite approach using three distinct Kernel Regressions combined in an Oscillator.
The additional Chart Overlay Indicator adds confidence to the signal.
Which is this Indicator.
This methodology helps the trader to significantly reduce false signals and offers a more reliable indication of market movements than more widely used indicators can.
The upper section is the Overlay. It features the Signal Wave to display the current trend.
Its Overbought and Oversold zones start at 50% and end at 100% of the selected Standard Deviation (default σ = 3), which can indicate extremely rare situations which can lead to either a softening momentum in the trend or even a mean reversion situation.
The lower one is the Base Chart.
The Indicator is linked here
It features the Kernel Regression Oscillator to display a composite of three distinct regressions, also displaying current trend.
Its Overbought and Oversold zones start at 50% and end at 100% of the selected Standard Deviation (default σ = 2), which can indicate extremely rare situations.
Case Study
To effectively utilize the ᏦᏒᎧ, traders should use both the additional Overlay and the Base
Chart at the same time. Then focus on capturing the confluence in signals, for example:
If the 𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓦𝓪𝓿𝓮 on the Overlay and the ᏦᏒᎧ on the Base Chart both reside near the extreme of an Oversold zone the probability is higher than normal that momentum in trend may soften or the token may even experience a reversion soon.
If a bar is characterized by an Oversold Shading in both the Overlay and the Base Chart, then the probability is very high to experience a reversion soon.
In this case the trader may want to look for appropriate entries into a long position, as displayed here.
If a bar is characterized by an Overbought Shading in either Overlay or Base Chart, then the probability is high for momentum weakening or a mean reversion.
In this case the trade may have taken profit and closed his long position, as displayed here.
Please note that we always advise to find more confluence by additional indicators.
Recommended Settings
Swing Trading (1D chart)
Bandwith: 45
Width: 2
SD Lookback: 150
SD Multiplier: 2
Base Chart
Bandwith: 45
SD Lookback: 150
SD Multiplier: 2
Fast-paced, Scalping (4min chart)
Bandwith: 75
Width: 2
SD Lookback: 150
SD Multiplier: 3
Base Chart
Bandwith: 45
SD Lookback: 150
SD Multiplier: 2
The Kernel Regression Oscillator on the Base Chart is also sensitive to divergences if that is something you are keen on using.
For maximum confluence, it is recommended to use the indicator both as a chart overlay and in its Base Chart.
Please pay attention to shaded areas with Standard Deviation settings of 2 or 3 at their outer borders, and consider action only with high confidence when both parts of the indicator align on the same signal.
This tool shows its best performance on timeframes lower than 4 hours.
Traders are encouraged to test and determine the most suitable settings for their specific trading strategies and timeframes.
The trend following functionality is indicated through the "𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓦𝓪𝓿𝓮" Line, with optional "Up" and "Down" arrows to denote trend directions only (toggle “Show Trend Signals”).
The Kernel Regression Oscillator takes three distinct kernel regression functions,
used at similar weight, in order to calculate a balanced and smooth composite of the regressions. Part of it are:
The Epanechnikov Kernel Regression: Known for its efficiency in smoothing data by assigning less weight to data points further away from the target point than closer data points, effectively reducing variance.
The Wave Kernel Regression: Similarly assigning weight to the data points based on distance, it captures repetitive and thus wave-like patterns within the data to smoothen out and reduce the effect of underlying cyclical trends.
The Logistic Kernel Regression: This uses the logistic function in order to assign weights by probability distribution on the distance between data points and target points. It thus avoids both bias and variance to a certain level.
kernel(source, bandwidth, kernel_type) =>
switch kernel_type
"Epanechnikov" => math.abs(source) <= 1 ? 0.75 * (1 - math.pow(source, 2)) : 0.0
"Logistic" => 1/math.exp(source + 2 + math.exp(-source))
"Wave" => math.abs(source) <= 1 ? (1 - math.abs(source)) * math.cos(math.pi * source) : 0.
kernelRegression(src, bandwidth, kernel_type) =>
sumWeightedY = 0.
sumKernels = 0.
for i = 0 to bandwidth - 1
base = i*i/math.pow(bandwidth, 2)
kernel = kernel(base, 1, kernel_type)
sumWeightedY += kernel * src
sumKernels += kernel
(src - sumWeightedY/sumKernels)/src
// Triple Confirmations
Ep = kernelRegression(source, bandwidth, 'Epanechnikov' )
Lo = kernelRegression(source, bandwidth, 'Logistic' )
Wa = kernelRegression(source, bandwidth, 'Wave' )
By combining these regressions in an unbiased average, we follow our principle of achieving confluence for a signal or a decision, by stacking several edges to increase the probability that we are correct.
// Average
AV = math.avg(Ep, Lo, Wa)
The Standard Deviation bands take defined parameters from the user, in this case sigma of ideally between 2 to 3,
to help the indicator detect extremely improbable conditions and thus take an inversely probable signal from it to forward to the user.
The parameter settings and also the visualizations allow for ample customizations by the trader. The indicator comes with default and recommended settings.
For questions or recommendations, please feel free to seek contact in the comments.
Bullish Candle Highlighter by MalviyaOverview:
The Bullish Candle Highlighter is a comprehensive and user-friendly TradingView indicator designed to assist traders in identifying individual bullish candles, facilitating the recognition of potential bullish trends and reversal patterns. This tool is meticulously crafted to enhance the precision of your technical analysis, making it an essential addition to your trading arsenal.
Key Features:
Bullish Candle Identification:
The indicator meticulously scans price action, pinpointing individual candles with a bullish bias.
Each identified bullish candle is distinctly marked on the chart for easy recognition.
Minimum Body Size Filter:
To refine the selection of signals, the indicator incorporates a minimum body size filter.
This filter ensures that only candles with a significant body size are considered, reducing noise and enhancing the reliability of bullish signals.
Visual Highlighting:
Bullish candles are visually highlighted with a vibrant green background, ensuring they stand out on your chart.
The visual cues simplify the process of identifying potential entry points during bullish market conditions.
How to Use:
Bullish Candle Identification:
Keep an eye on the chart for instances where the indicator marks a candle with the label "Bullish Candle."
Each marked candle signifies a potential bullish reversal or continuation pattern.
Buy Signal:
Consider entering a long position when the current candle closes above the high of the identified bullish candle.
The indicator's signals can be used to align your trading decisions with emerging bullish trends.
Advanced Tips:
Confirmation with Other Indicators:
Boost the accuracy of your trades by combining Bullish Candle Highlighter signals with other technical indicators or trend analysis tools.
Risk Management:
Implement sound risk management strategies to protect your capital and optimize your trading performance.
Important Note:
The Bullish Candle Highlighter is a valuable tool, but no indicator guarantees profits. Always conduct thorough analysis and consider multiple factors before making trading decisions.
This indicator is provided for educational purposes and is not financial advice. Trading involves risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results.
Feel free to tailor the description to match any specific features or nuances of your indicator. Providing detailed information and usage guidance will help users understand and maximize the benefits of your Bullish Candle Highlighter.
Bitcoin Price to Volume per $1 FeeTransaction value to transaction fee:
The Bitcoin network's efficiency, usability and volume scalability has been improving over time and this can be measured by dividing the average transaction volume by the transaction fee.
The indicator give us:
Price to volume per $1 fee = BTC price / (avg tx value / avg tx fee)
A low ratio of "Price to volume per $1 fee" indicates that the Bitcoin network is being used for high volumes in comparison to the Bitcoin price, which means that the network is cost-effective compared to the price. On the other hand, a high "Price to volume per $1 fee" suggests that the average transaction size is smaller than the price of Bitcoin, which means that the network is less cost-effective compared to the Bitcoin price.
Note that the dynamics of transaction fees may change over time as new use cases emerge in the Bitcoin chain. These use cases include L2s such as Stacks, where DeFi applications can run, and Bitcoin Ordinals.
It's worth mentioning that Bitcoin is not only a cost-effective way of transferring value, but also highly energy efficient. Despite receiving criticism for its energy consumption, when we compare its energy usage to other industries (such as banking and gold) and correlate it with the transaction volumes, we can easily conclude that Bitcoin's energy efficiency is remarkable when compared to other methods of transferring value.
Candle Counter from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PMThis Pine Script, designed for TradingView, serves as a candle counter exclusively for a 5-minute chart. It operates within the specific market hours of 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Key features of the script include:
Market Hours Specification: The script is configured to track candles only during the trading hours from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Daily Reset: Each trading day, the candle counter resets, starting anew from the market opening at 9:30 AM.
Candle Counting: It increments a counter with each 5-minute candle during the specified market hours.
Label Display: The counter number for each candle is displayed as a label at the candle's low point. This label is in bright white color with large font size, ensuring clear visibility against various chart backgrounds.
5-Minute Chart Specificity: The script is tailored to function only when the chart is set to a 5-minute timeframe, making it ideal for traders focusing on intraday movements.
New Day Detection: Utilizes a function to identify the start of a new trading day, ensuring accurate daily counting.
This script is particularly useful for traders who focus on intraday trading within the standard stock market hours, providing a clear and easy-to-read candle count that resets daily.