Premium structure - Higher High / Lower low - CZ INDICATORSThe best indicator on the Higher High - Lower low system.
This script identifies Orderblocks, Breakerblocks and Range using higher order pivots and priceaction logic.
I tried to reduce the number of blocks to make the chart cleaner, for this purpose I use only second order pivots for both MSB lines and supply/demand boxes, I also tried to filter out shifts in MS and false breakouts.
Green arrows show our lows, red arrows show our highs. This is done in order to clearly and clearly understand the current trend.
Also added order block, and breaker block.
Any box has GRAY color until it gets tested.
After successful test box gets colors:
RED for Supply
GREEN for Demand
BLUE for any Breakerblocks
For cleaner chart and script speed all broken boxes deletes from chart.
It gives comparatively clean chart on any TF, even on extra small (5m, 3m, 1m).
Лучший индикатор по системе Higher High - Lower Low.
Этот скрипт определяет ордерные блоки, брейкерные блоки и диапазоны, используя развороты высшего порядка и логику ценовых действий.
Я попытался уменьшить количество блоков, чтобы сделать график чище, для этого я использую только развороты второго порядка для линий MSB и блоков спроса/предложения, я также попытался отфильтровать сдвиги в MS и ложные прорывы.
Зеленые стрелки показывают наши минимумы, красные - максимумы. Это сделано для того, чтобы четко и ясно понимать текущий тренд.
Также добавлен блок ордеров и блок пробоев.
Любой блок имеет серый цвет до тех пор, пока он не будет протестирован.
После успешного тестирования блок приобретает цвет:
КРАСНЫЙ для предложения (медвежий ордер блок)
ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ для спроса (бычий ордер блок)
СИНИЙ для брейкерблока.
Для более чистого графика и скорости работы скрипта все сломанные блоки удаляются с графика.
Это дает сравнительно чистый график на любом ТФ, даже на сверхмалых (5м, 3м, 1м).
Candlestick analysis
FVG imbalance zone - CZ INDICATORSAn imbalance is a situation that has arisen as a result of an excess of buy or sell orders, which has created a gap.
Market makers have a certain reserve of the asset, which is kept in the reserve. And when the gap needs to be closed, he adds liquidity to the asset, thereby closing it so that trading continues at a fair price.
What it looks like:
Basically, an imbalance zone is an un-wickered area of an impulse (or not) candle, where the price seeks to close the zone further pullback into it at the 50% level.
That is, you can mark the zone from wick to wick with a regular rectangle and the point in the middle will be just 50% of the zone, from which a reversal is possible. Or you can use fibo on this principle, and the reversal will be the zone of 0.5.
You should not consider this zone as something magical and blindly enter the deal. It is desirable to observe the formation of any patterns near it and make a decision based on the price behavior.
Imbalance on the stock market can occur when important news is released, profit or loss report, buyout of one company by another, information leakage, etc... Crypto market itself is volatile, so the gap between high and low is a frequent guest there, although no one canceled conspiracies and insider information.
Usually imbalance is closed within a few minutes or hours, depending on which TF you trade on. In rare cases it can take several trading sessions.
Имбаланс (imbalance) – это ситуация, которая возникла в результате избытка ордеров на покупку или продажу, благодаря чему образовался гэп.
У маркетмейкеров есть определенный запас актива, который хранится в резерве. И когда нужно закрыть гэп, он добавляет ликвидность в актив, тем самым закрывая его, чтобы торговля продолжалась по справедливой цене.
Как выглядит:
По сути, зона имбаланса – это не задетая фитилями область импульсной (или нет) свечи, гдец ена стремиться закрыть эту зону дальнейшем откатом в нее на уровень 50%.
То есть можно отметить зону от фителя до фителя с помощью обычного прямогугольника и точки в середине будет как раз 50% зоны, от куда возможен разворот. Либо использовать фибо по такому принципу, а разворот будет зона 0,5.
Не стоит рассматривать эту зону как что-то магическое и слепо входить в сделку. Желательно понаблюдать за формированием каких-либо паттернов возле неё и на основе поведения цены принимать решение.
Имбаланс на фондовом рынке может возникать при выходе важных новостей, отчете о прибыли или убытке, выкупе одной компании другой, утечки информации и тп… Крипторынок сам по себе волатильный, поэтому разрыв между хаем и лоу там частый гость, хотя никто не отменял заговоры и инсайдерскую информацию.
Обычно имбаланс закрывается в течении нескольких минут или часов, смотря на каком ТФ вы торгуете. В редких случаях это может занимать несколько торговых сессий.
You can adjust the color, bear imbalance can be colored red, bullish imbalance can be colored green. For convenience.
You can also customize what amount on the history will be shown.
Вы можете настроить цвет, медвежий имбаланс может быть окрашен в красный цвет, бычий имбаланс может быть окрашен в зеленый. Для удобства.
Вы также можете настроить, какое количество на истории будет отображаться.
PSP - Swing Point - Daye Quarterly Theory - 2 AssetsFollow me on Twitter @Crypto_MM_
This indicator detects divergences in candles across two closely related assets. For example, when NQ closes bullish and ES closes bearish these candles are coloured Orange. The colour can be changed in the settings.
In addition there is swing point detection. However, instead of displaying all of the swing points that occur, this indicator will only label those which occur on candles which show a divergence between two closely related assets.
These have been named Precision Swing Points, or PSPs, by Trader Daye and are a key part of his teaching on Quarterly Theory.
This works across all timeframes.
I am also planning to release two other verions:
- One which detects PSPs between 3 assets
- Another which detects PSPs that occur when assets 1 and 2 (NQ and ES, for example) diverge vs asset 3 (for example, YM). If NQ and ES both close bullish, but YM closes bearish, this will be labeled
Other indicators which are show on the chart below and are highly recommended for Quarterly Theory:
Quarterly Theory Smart Money Assistant - - by
Triad QT Beta - - by @darkmiki2
Daye Quarterly Theory by toodegrees - - by toodegrees
ICT NWOG/NDOG - - by Fadi
ES 5m Chart vs NQ (above)
- I recommend adding this script to both assets as one may be a swing point and the other not
- Candles which closes the same as what they open at are considered bullish
Demand/Supply Absorption PatternHey everyone,
I'm publishing this indicator to seek feedback and support from the community.
This indicator is designed to identify, confirm, and send alerts whenever a Demand/Supply absorption pattern appears on the chart.
Core Logic:
Impulse Move – A single candle or a cluster of candles with a strong bullish/bearish move, characterized by a price range and volume significantly exceeding the ATR and average volume. (I've already implemented this logic and highlighted these zones with rectangles.)
Absorption Phase – Following this move, signs of exhaustion in the previous Demand/Supply emerge. These signs can include small-bodied candles like Doji or Inside Bars, combined with low volume, indicating a potential absorption phase.
Breakout Confirmation – Finally, a breakout candle in the opposite direction confirms the reversal after the consolidation phase.
Challenges & Community Support
I've encountered difficulties in fully implementing steps 2 and 3. While detecting strong impulsive moves and sending alerts has already been helpful in tracking potential setups, completing the full pattern requires waiting 3-4 hours (on a 1-hour chart) or even until the next day (on a 4-hour chart). This delay makes it easy to miss potential price movements in real time.
I’d love to get feedback or suggestions from the community to improve this indicator further.
Thanks for your support!
Cheers! 🚀
Sirilak Heikin Ashi + RSI Crossover Strategy (Chart)//@version=5
indicator("Sirilak Heikin Ashi + RSI Crossover Strategy (Chart)", overlay=true)
// Heikin Ashi Calculations
var float haClose = na
var float haOpen = na
var float haHigh = na
var float haLow = na
haClose := (open + high + low + close) / 4
haOpen := na(haOpen ) ? (open + close) / 2 : (haOpen + haClose ) / 2
haHigh := math.max(high, math.max(haOpen, haClose))
haLow := math.min(low, math.min(haOpen, haClose))
// Heikin Ashi Color Logic
isGreen = haClose > haOpen // Green candle
isRed = haClose < haOpen // Red candle
// RSI Calculations
rsiLength =, title="RSI Length")
rsiSmaLength =, title="RSI SMA Length")
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
rsiSma = ta.sma(rsiValue, rsiSmaLength)
// RSI Crossover Logic
rsiCrossAbove = ta.crossover(rsiValue, rsiSma) // RSI crosses above its SMA
rsiCrossBelow = ta.crossunder(rsiValue, rsiSma) // RSI crosses below its SMA
// Buy Signal (Entry) - After Candle Close
buySignal = isGreen and rsiCrossAbove and barstate.isconfirmed
// Buy Exit (Close) - After Candle Close
buyExit = isRed and rsiCrossBelow and barstate.isconfirmed
// Sell Signal (Entry) - After Candle Close
sellSignal = isRed and rsiCrossBelow and barstate.isconfirmed
// Sell Exit (Close) - After Candle Close
sellExit = isGreen and rsiCrossAbove and barstate.isconfirmed
// Plot Heikin Ashi Candles on the Main Chart
candleColor = isGreen ? :
plotcandle(haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, color=candleColor)
// Plot Buy Entry Signal (Green Label Below Candle)
plotshape(series=buySignal, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="BUY", size=size.small, offset=0)
// Plot Buy Exit Signal (Yellow Label Above Candle)
plotshape(series=buyExit, location=location.abovebar, color=color.yellow, style=shape.labeldown, text="BUY EXIT", size=size.small, offset=0)
// Plot Sell Entry Signal (Red Label Above Candle)
plotshape(series=sellSignal, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="SELL", size=size.small, offset=0)
// Plot Sell Exit Signal (Black Label Below Candle)
plotshape(series=sellExit, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="SELL EXIT", size=size.small, offset=0)
// Alerts (Triggered Only After Candle Close)
if (buySignal)
alert("BUY: Heikin Ashi Green + RSI Cross Above SMA", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if (buyExit)
alert("BUY EXIT: Heikin Ashi Red + RSI Cross Below SMA", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if (sellSignal)
alert("SELL: Heikin Ashi Red + RSI Cross Below SMA", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if (sellExit)
alert("SELL EXIT: Heikin Ashi Green + RSI Cross Above SMA", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
PSP - Swing Point - Daye Quarterly Theory - 3 AssetsFollow me on Twitter @Crypto_MM_
This indicator detects divergences in candles across three closely related assets in a 1vs1vs1 scenario. For example, when NQ and YM close bullish and ES closes bearish these candles are coloured orange. The colour can be changed in the settings.
In addition there is swing point detection. However, instead of displaying all of the swing points that occur, this indicator will only label those which occur on candles which show a divergence between three closely related assets.
These have been named Precision Swing Points, or PSPs, by Trader Daye and are a key part of his teaching on Quarterly Theory.
This works across all timeframes.
I have also created the same indicator in for two other scenarios:
- A 1vs1 scenario (for example, NQ vs ES), you can find that here:
- A 2vs1 scenario (for example, NQ and ES close bullish, but YM closes bearish):
Other indicators which are show on the chart below and are highly recommended for Quarterly Theory:
Quarterly Theory Smart Money Assistant - - by
Triad QT Beta - - by @darkmiki2
Daye Quarterly Theory by toodegrees - - by toodegrees
ICT NWOG/NDOG - - by Fadi
- I have not used this script. I use the other two listed above as it makes the chart less noisy. This has worked better for me than highlighting each and every candle that diverge across 3 assets
- Candles which close the same as what they open at are considered bullish
5Ema Indicatorits famous 5 ema strategy.whenever there is a 5 min candle that is not touching the 5 ema , then we take short trade on next candle crossing low of previous candle
Combined Stochastic, ADX & BreakoutTrading View Indicator Explanation
Entry Signal Logic
This indicator identifies two specific buying opportunities during an uptrend following a correction:
Entry Signal #1 - Post-Correction Breakout
Wait for price to establish an uptrend above EMA9
Look for at least one lower high (correction)
Entry trigger: Breakout above the previous candle's high
Stop loss: Place below the most recent swing low
Entry Signal #2 - Strong Trend Correction
Requires a blue triangle marker above the candle (on closing basis)
Must occur during a strong uptrend (confirmed by high ADX reading)
Requires a deep technical correction (measured by Stochastic)
Entry conditions:
Price must be above EMA9
Current candle must break above previous candle's high
Stop loss: Place below the most recent swing low
Sell signals have been removed to reduce chart clutter
Recommended exit strategy: Sell at new swing highs
The second signal specifically filters for stronger trend conditions
Technical Indicators Used
EMA9: Trend direction filter
Stochastic: Measures depth of correction
ADX: Confirms strength of uptrend
Price action: Candle high/low relationships
This is designed to catch continuation moves in established uptrends after healthy corrections, emphasizing high-probability entries with clearly defined stop levels.
Alessandro SpecialThis indicator based on Alessandro's special highlights a sweep of liquidity combined with an engulfing close.
YJ Trading Indicator - Advanced Patterns & Signals//@version=5
indicator("YJ Trading Indicator - Advanced Patterns & Signals", overlay=true)
// Moving Averages for trend confirmation
ema50 = ta.ema(close, 50)
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)
trendUp = ema50 > ema200
trendDown = ema50 < ema200
// Fibonacci Levels Calculation
pivotHigh = ta.highest(high, 50)
pivotLow = ta.lowest(low, 50)
fibLevels = array.new_float(6, 0.0)
array.set(fibLevels, 0, pivotHigh)
array.set(fibLevels, 1, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.236)
array.set(fibLevels, 2, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.382)
array.set(fibLevels, 3, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.5)
array.set(fibLevels, 4, pivotHigh - (pivotHigh - pivotLow) * 0.618)
array.set(fibLevels, 5, pivotLow)
// Supertrend Indicator
= ta.supertrend(3, 14)
plot(supertrendLine, color=supertrendDirection == 1 ? :, title="Supertrend")
// RSI Divergence Detection
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
bullishDivergence = rsi < 30 and ta.lowest(close, 5) == low
bearishDivergence = rsi > 70 and ta.highest(close, 5) == high
// MACD Crossover Detection
= ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
macdBullishCross = ta.crossover(macdLine, signalLine)
macdBearishCross = ta.crossunder(macdLine, signalLine)
// Candlestick Pattern Detection
bullishEngulfing = close > open and close > high and open < close
bearishEngulfing = close < open and close < low and open > close
morningStar = close < open and (close - open ) < ta.atr(5) and close > open
eveningStar = close > open and (close - open ) < ta.atr(5) and close < open
doji = math.abs(close - open) < (high - low) * 0.1
spinningTop = (close - open) < (high - low) * 0.3 and (high - low) > ta.atr(5)
// Chart Patterns Detection
headAndShoulders = high > high and high > high and low < low and low < low
doubleTop = high == high and high < high
doubleBottom = low == low and low > low
ascendingTriangle = high > high and low > low
descendingTriangle = low < low and high < high
// Alerts & Plotting
plotshape(bullishEngulfing, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, title="Bullish Engulfing")
plotshape(bearishEngulfing, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, title="Bearish Engulfing")
plotshape(morningStar, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.triangleup, title="Morning Star")
plotshape(eveningStar, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.triangledown, title="Evening Star")
plotshape(doubleTop, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.cross, title="Double Top")
plotshape(doubleBottom, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.cross, title="Double Bottom")
plotshape(ascendingTriangle, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.flag, title="Ascending Triangle")
plotshape(descendingTriangle, location=location.abovebar, color=color.purple, style=shape.flag, title="Descending Triangle")
plotshape(macdBullishCross, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.arrowup, title="MACD Bullish Cross")
plotshape(macdBearishCross, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.arrowdown, title="MACD Bearish Cross")
alertcondition(bullishEngulfing, title="Bullish Engulfing Alert", message="Bullish Engulfing detected!")
alertcondition(bearishEngulfing, title="Bearish Engulfing Alert", message="Bearish Engulfing detected!")
alertcondition(macdBullishCross, title="MACD Bullish Crossover", message="MACD Bullish Cross detected!")
alertcondition(macdBearishCross, title="MACD Bearish Crossover", message="MACD Bearish Cross detected!")
Session Boxes//@version=6
indicator("Session Boxes", overlay=true)
// Sessions Definitionen
tokyo_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 0, 0)
tokyo_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 9, 0)
london_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 7, 0)
london_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 16, 0)
newyork_start = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 12, 0)
newyork_end = timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 21, 0)
// Farben (dezent)
color_tokyo = color.rgb(204, 204, 204, 50)
color_london = color.rgb(170, 170, 170, 50)
color_newyork = color.rgb(136, 136, 136, 50)
// Funktion zum Zeichnen der Session-Boxen
sessionBox(startTime, endTime, sessionColor) =>
var int startIndex = na
var int endIndex = na
var float sessionHigh = na
var float sessionLow = na
isSession = (time >= startTime and time <= endTime)
if isSession
if na(startIndex)
startIndex := bar_index
sessionHigh := high
sessionLow := low
endIndex := bar_index
sessionHigh := math.max(sessionHigh, high)
sessionLow := math.min(sessionLow, low)
if not na(startIndex) and not na(endIndex), right=int(endIndex), top=sessionHigh, bottom=sessionLow, bgcolor=sessionColor, border_color=sessionColor)
// Sessions auf dem Chart zeichnen
sessionBox(tokyo_start, tokyo_end, color_tokyo)
sessionBox(london_start, london_end, color_london)
sessionBox(newyork_start, newyork_end, color_newyork)
ATR 3x Multiplier StrategyBeta version
Volatility and Candle Spikes in Trading
Volatility refers to the degree of variation in the price of a financial asset over time. It measures how much the price fluctuates and is often associated with risk and uncertainty in the market. High volatility means larger price swings, while low volatility indicates more stable price movements.
Key aspects of volatility:
Measured using indicators like Average True Range (ATR), Bollinger Bands, and Implied Volatility (IV).
Influenced by factors such as market news, economic events, and liquidity.
Higher volatility increases both risk and potential profit opportunities.
Candle Spikes
A candle spike (or wick) refers to a sudden price movement that forms a long shadow or wick on a candlestick chart. These spikes can indicate strong buying or selling pressure, liquidity hunts, or stop-loss triggers.
Types of candle spikes:
Bullish Spike (Long Lower Wick): Indicates buyers rejected lower prices, pushing the price higher.
Bearish Spike (Long Upper Wick): Suggests sellers rejected higher prices, pushing the price lower.
Stop-Loss Hunt: Market makers may trigger stop-losses by creating artificial spikes before reversing the price.
News-Induced Spikes: Economic data releases or unexpected events can cause sudden price jumps.
Understanding volatility and candle spikes can help traders manage risk, spot entry/exit points, and avoid false breakouts. 🚀📈
Machine Learning: Lorentzian Classification/ ====================
// ==== Background ====
// ====================
// When using Machine Learning algorithms like K-Nearest Neighbors, choosing an
// appropriate distance metric is essential. Euclidean Distance is often used as
// the default distance metric, but it may not always be the best choice. This is
// because market data is often significantly impacted by proximity to significant
// world events such as FOMC Meetings and Black Swan events. These major economic
// events can contribute to a warping effect analogous a massive object's
// gravitational warping of Space-Time. In financial markets, this warping effect
// operates on a continuum, which can analogously be referred to as "Price-Time".
// To help to better account for this warping effect, Lorentzian Distance can be
// used as an alternative distance metric to Euclidean Distance. The geometry of
// Lorentzian Space can be difficult to visualize at first, and one of the best
// ways to intuitively understand it is through an example involving 2 feature
// dimensions (z=2). For purposes of this example, let's assume these two features
// are Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Average Directional Index (ADX). In
// reality, the optimal number of features is in the range of 3-8, but for the sake
// of simplicity, we will use only 2 features in this example.
// Fundamental Assumptions:
// (1) We can calculate RSI and ADX for a given chart.
// (2) For simplicity, values for RSI and ADX are assumed to adhere to a Gaussian
// distribution in the range of 0 to 100.
// (3) The most recent RSI and ADX value can be considered the origin of a coordinate
// system with ADX on the x-axis and RSI on the y-axis.
// Distances in Euclidean Space:
// Measuring the Euclidean Distances of historical values with the most recent point
// at the origin will yield a distribution that resembles Figure 1 (below).
// |
// |
// |
// ...:::....
// .:.:::••••••:::•::..
// .:•:.:•••::::••::••....::.
// ....:••••:••••••••::••:...:•.
// ...:.::::::•••:::•••:•••::.:•..
// ::•:.:•:•••••••:.:•::::::...:..
// |--------.:•••..•••••••:••:...:::•:•:..:..----------
// 0 :•:....:•••••::.:::•••::••:.....
// ::....:.:••••••••:•••::••::..:.
// .:...:••:::••••••••::•••....:
// ::....:.....:•::•••:::::..
// ..:..::••..::::..:•:..
// .::..:::.....:
// |
// |
// |
// |
// _|_ 0
// Figure 1: Neighborhood in Euclidean Space
// Distances in The Space:
// However, the same set of historical values measured using The Distance will
// yield a different distribution that resembles Figure 2 (below).
// ::.. | ..:::
// ..... | ......
// .••••::. | :••••••.
// .:•••••:. | :::••••••.
// .•••••:... | .::.••••••.
// .::•••••::.. | :..••••••..
// .:•••••••::.........::••••••:..
// ..::::••••.•••••••.•••••••:.
// ...:•••••••.•••••••••::.
// .:..••.••••••.••••..
// |---------------.:•••••••••••••••••.---------------
// 0 .:•:•••.••••••.•••••••.
// .••••••••••••••••••••••••:.
// .:••••••••••::..::.::••••••••:.
// .::••••••::. | .::•••:::.
// .:••••••.. | :••••••••.
// .:••••:... | ..•••••••:.
// ..:••::.. | :.•••••••.
// .:•.... | ...::.:••.
// ...:.. | :...:••.
// :::. | ..::
// _|_ 0
// Figure 2: Neighborhood in the Space
// Observations:
// (1) In the Space, the shortest distance between two points is not
// necessarily a straight line, but rather, a geodesic curve.
// (2) The warping effect of Lorentzian distance reduces the overall influence
// of outliers and noise.
// (3) The Distance becomes increasingly different from Euclidean Distance
// as the number of nearest neighbors used for comparison increases.
AntoQQE - BarsThis script is a variation on the QQE (Quantitative Qualitative Estimation) concept applied to RSI. It calculates a smoothed RSI line, then determines a “Dynamic Average Range” around that line. By tracking the RSI’s movement relative to these upper (shortBand) and lower (longBand) levels, it determines when price momentum shifts enough to suggest a possible trend flip. The script plots color-coded candles based on these momentum conditions:
• RSI Calculation and Smoothing
An RSI value is obtained over a specified period, then smoothed by an EMA. This smoothed RSI serves as the core measure of momentum.
• Dynamic Average Range (DAR)
The script computes the volatility of the smoothed RSI using two EMAs of its bar-to-bar movements. It multiplies this volatility factor by a QQE multiplier to create upper and lower bands that adapt to changes in RSI volatility.
• Trend Flips
When the smoothed RSI crosses above or below its previous band level (shortBand or longBand), the script interprets this as a shift in momentum and sets a trend state accordingly (long or short).
• Candle Coloring
Finally, the script colors each candle according to how far the smoothed RSI is from a neutral baseline of 50:
Candles turn green when the RSI is sufficiently above 50, suggesting bullish momentum.
Candles turn red when the RSI is sufficiently below 50, indicating bearish momentum.
Candles turn orange when they are near the 50 level, reflecting a more neutral or transitional phase.
Traders can use these colored candles to quickly see when the RSI’s momentum has moved into overbought/oversold zones—or is shifting between bullish and bearish conditions—without needing to consult a separate oscillator window. The adaptive nature of the band calculations can help in spotting significant shifts in market sentiment and volatility.
Improved Trading Scriptits indicates the next candel. A highly accurate trend-following indicator for the 1-minute timeframe, designed for real-time execution in the Quotex OTC market.
Buy Signal: Appears below the candle → Next candle is bullish (green).
Sell Signal: Appears above the candle → Next candle is bearish (red).
This non-repainting indicator ensures precise signals for profitable trading.
NIFTY 50 Reversal Strategy🎯 Entry Rules:
🔴 Bearish Reversal Setup (Short Trade)
🔹 Conditions to Enter a SHORT Trade:
Price hits a strong resistance (Pivot Point, Supply Zone, or Fibonacci 61.8%)
Bearish candlestick confirmation:
Bearish Engulfing
Shooting Star (Long wick on top)
Doji (Indecision) after an uptrend
EMA Crossover: EMA 10 crosses below EMA 50
RSI above 70 (overbought) or shows Bearish Divergence
VWAP Rejection (Price touches VWAP & drops)
Volume Drops or Spikes Bearishly (Volume confirmation)
✅ ENTRY: Enter a SHORT position on the next candle close after confirmation.
Target 1: Next Pivot Support or 0.5% drop
Target 2: Fibonacci 50% retracement
Target 3: VWAP Mean Reversion
Above the recent swing high / wick (+0.2% buffer)
ATR-based SL for volatility
🟢 Bullish Reversal Setup (Long Trade)
🔹 Conditions to Enter a LONG Trade:
Price hits a strong support (Pivot Point, Demand Zone, or Fibonacci 61.8%)
Bullish candlestick confirmation:
Bullish Engulfing
Hammer / Pin Bar (Long wick at bottom)
Doji (Indecision) at Support
EMA Crossover: EMA 10 crosses above EMA 50
RSI below 30 (oversold) or shows Bullish Divergence
VWAP Support (Price touches VWAP & bounces)
Volume Surge in Bullish Candles
✅ ENTRY: Enter a LONG position on the next candle close after confirmation.
Target 1: Next Pivot Resistance or 0.5% rise
Target 2: Fibonacci 50% retracement
Target 3: VWAP Mean Reversion
Below the recent swing low / wick (-0.2% buffer)
ATR-based SL for volatility
PSP - Swing Point - Daye Quarterly Theory - 3 Assets (2 vs 1)Follow me on Twitter @Crypto_MM_
This indicator detects divergences in candles across three closely related assets in a 2vs1 scenario. For example, when NQ and ES close bullish and YM closes bearish these candles are coloured teal. The colour can be changed in the settings.
In addition there is swing point detection. However, instead of displaying all of the swing points that occur, this indicator will only label those which occur on candles which show a divergence between three closely related assets.
These have been named Precision Swing Points, or PSPs, by Trader Daye and are a key part of his teaching on Quarterly Theory.
This works across all timeframes.
I have also created the same indicator in a 1vs1 scenario (for example, NQ vs ES), you can find that here:
I am also planning to release one other version:
- One which detects PSPs between 3 assets
Other indicators which are show on the chart below and are highly recommended for Quarterly Theory:
Quarterly Theory Smart Money Assistant - - by
Triad QT Beta - - by @darkmiki2
Daye Quarterly Theory by toodegrees - - by toodegrees
ICT NWOG/NDOG - - by Fadi
- I recommend adding this script on just one asset - I use it on YM or RTY
- Candles which close the same as what they open at are considered bullish
Beki cAn indicator combination of 3 things.
1 ) trend analysis
2 ) average price
3 ) price reversals
BBI & Bollinger交叉提示代码特点:
1. 多周期适配:自动适应所有时间框架(1分钟/小时/日/周等)
2. 双指标显示:蓝色BBI线与橙色布林中轨线直观显示
3. 信号提示:
- 金叉时在K线下方显示绿色"多"字三角形
- 死叉时在K线上方显示红色"空"字三角形
4. 警报支持:可设置声音/弹窗提醒
5. 参数可调:可直接修改均线周期(3/6/12/24和20日参数)
1. 在TradingView新建策略
2. 粘贴代码到编辑器
3. 添加到图表即可自动运行
4. 右键指标可调整颜色/样式参数