RSI vs Longs/Shorts Margin Ratio Percentage RankThis indicator plots the RSI of the current token and the percentage rank, of the RSI, of the ratio of a long margined token to a short margined token.
By default it plots the RSI of the current token with a color based on percentage rank the RSI of BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS divided by BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS, so the assumption is that you are using it on a BTC chart. While you can select any Tradingview symbol for your Long and Short tokens I don't think you will get meaningful results unless you select a long and short margined token that matches your chart symbol, such as BITFINEX:ETHUSDLONGS and BITFINEX:ETHUSDSHORTS if you're trading ETHUSD. Even using margined tokens the results may not be meaningful, if there is not enough trade volume in the token, or if they are being manipulated, so you must backtest everything.
The three plot options are:
• Colored RSI - RSI plotted with colors based on the Longs/Shorts ratio
• Background Color - White RSI plot with Longs/Shorts ratio as background color
• RSI + Ratio - White RSI with Longs/Shorts ratio plotted in color
The chart shows all three options on an hourly BITFINEX:SOLUSD chart with BITFINEX:SOLUSDSHORTS and BITFINEX:SOLUSDLONGS.
By default it also plots a short term moving average and it can also plot the raw ratio rather than the percentage rank if selected.
This script started out as "RSI vs BITFINEX BTC Longs/Shorts Margin Ratio Percentage Rank" by me. I was interested in the ratio of BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS to BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS as a measure of market sentiment and how that sentiment would magnify RSI changes. The volatility of the BTCUSDLONGS : BTCUSDSHORTS ratio was too low to get a good read, using a percent rank of the RSI of the ratio made the results more visible. After a discussion with @jason5480 I saw how opening it up to all margined Long / Short pairs was the best way forward. Unfortunately the name no longer matched the script, so I had to publish a new script.
RSI vs BITFINEX BTC Longs/Shorts Margin Ratio Percentage RankThis indicator plots the RSI of the current token with a color based on percentage rank of the RSI of BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS divided by BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS, with a plot of the moving average of the RSI. It can optionally plot the RSI in white and the ratio RSI in color, or the ratio as background color. It can also plot the raw ratio rather than the percentage rank if selected.
I was interested in the ratio of BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS to BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS as a measure of market sentiment and how that sentiment would magnify RSI changes. The volatility of the BTCUSDLONGS : BTCUSDSHORTS ratio was too low to get a good read, using a percent rank of the RSI of the ratio made the results more visible.
This indicator should be used on a BTC chart.
WhaleCrew Long/Short Ratio (Bitfinex)Shows the long/short ratio (amount of longs per short) on ANY Bitfinex pair (BTCUSD, ETHUSD, ADAUSD, ...).
Dividing 2 symbolsHello Traders
This indicator is used to divide two assets between them. Why you would ask ?
For instance, in crypto trading, traders often look at the ratio Longs/Shorts or Shorts/Longs to figure out which side is leading the market and use this information as a powerful hedge for their next trade