SPY $ectors | by Octopu$

Od IamtheOctopuS
🏭 SPY Sectors with % Variance and Ticker Status| by Octopu$

What is SPY Sectors?
They are 11 SPY Sectors based on activity, which groups together their specific markets as well as the composition about the Tickers on the Sector.
For example: information technology, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, health care, financials, industrials, communication services, energy, , materials, utilities, real estate.


It is an useful resource for a trading system:
Can be used to follow up with tickers/sectors up and down moves and percentages as well as overall status and market sentiment as a whole.


This indicator however should not be used as a standalone tool.
(The combination of factors relies on your own knowledge about Confluence Factors along with your Due Diligence)
This indicator is not an advice to buy or sell securities in any form.

ANY Ticker. ANY Timeframe.


• ALL Sector Track
• Up and Down Status
• Green and Red Colors
• % Indication


• Customization
• Location


Indicator release.

Changes and updates can come in the future for additional functionalities or per requests. Follow and Stay Tuned!
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- Octopu$

Chart patternsCyclesheatmapindustriesmarketsentimentsectorsSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

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