# **All IN ONE INDICATOR (AIOI) By TradeInSki**
## Contents
- 4 Moving Average.
- Combined Up and Down.
- Table.
- Inside Bar.
- Bull Snort.
- Indicator Settings Tab.
## **First things first**
- Open settings and read the following to understand better.
- Default Colour settings are best suited for dark theme.
- Default Settings is my personal preference.
- User can change few of the settings according to personal preference in settings option.
- Colour grading Green background means parameter favourable, Red not favourable for trading, “nah” background black means no sufficient data for calculation and background with other colours just for colour grading.
- Indicator should be only seen in D TF as its designed for Swing trading.
### 4 Moving Average
- 4 Different moving averages can be applied to the chart.
- **User Input**
1. Hide or Unhide option.
2. Type - SMA, EMA & WMA.
3. Source - O,H,L,C etc.
4. Period - Default 10,20,50,200.
### Combined Up & Down
- **User Input - In Settings**
1. Check/Uncheck = Combine condition or not?
2. Volume “>=” ____.
3. %Check = ___.
- Explanation - Helps to find how liquid the stock is which in turn helps in position sizing.
- On any specific day stock moved more than 5% [Default setting] plus Number of shares traded is more than 10Lakh [Default].
- If all the above specified condition satisfied then plots blue colour circle below the candle.
### Table Settings
- **User Input - In Settings**
1. Position = [Dropdown - 9 Different option].
2. Size = [Dropdown - 6 Different option].
3. ADR = [20 Period] - Considers last 20 days average % move/range.
4. 52WK =
1. High/Low - Considers Just High Low Price.
2. Close - Considers Close price only.
5. Average Daily Volume = [20 Period] - Considers last 20 days average volume.
6. ROC = [close] - Considers “Close” price.
7. ROC.P = [10] - W.R.T 10 Days.
8. RVOL = [20] - Considers last 20 days volume.
9. EMA #1, EMA #2, EMA #3 = [10, 20, 50].
### Table Plotted on Chart - Logic
1. **EMA 10**
1. 10 period Exponential Moving Average.
2. Avoid stock that are above 3%.
3. Select Stocks with Positive or -ve value.
2. **EMA 20**
1. 20 period Exponential Moving Average.
2. Prefer stocks with +ve value.
3. **EMA 50**
1. 50 period Exponential Moving Average.
**Note:** This Shows how much price of the stock is extended from moving averages in terms of percentage.
4. **ADR% - Average Daily Range**
1. Calculates Average % movement for last 20 Days as specified period is 20.
2. ___ < 2% Bad - ___ ≤ 2.5% ok - ___ ≤ 3% good - ___ > 3% best.
5. **52WH - 52 Week High**
1. Shows how far is stock from 52 week high price in % that implies -ve sign.
2. ___ > 75% Very Bad - ___ ≥ 50% bad - ___ ≥ 25% good - ___ ≥ 0% Very good.
6. **52WL - 52 Week Low**
1. Shows how far stock is moved from 52 week low price in percentage terms.
2. Avoid stock with -ve value.
3. Just by value shown can draw inference how much stock has rallied and its buying force.
7. **U/D - Up/Down Ratio**
1. Calculation Default is 20 period - In last 20 days Green day’s average volume divided by Red day average volume is the ratio shown.
2. ___< 1 bad - ___ ≤ 1.5 ok - ___ ≤ 2 good - ___ > 2 best.
8. **ROC - Rate of Change**
1. ROC is not that important can be kept in sidelines.
2. calculates the percentage change between the most recent price and the price registered a certain number of period ago. Default period is 20.
3. Output % shown vary above and below the value zero that is +ve and -ve.
4. Rising is better.
9. **R.VOL - Relative Volume**
1. Calculation - current volume - average volume in percentage terms.
2. Average volume period is 20 thats recent 20 days volume.
3. If current volume is 10K and average volume is 100K then it shows 10% and if current volume is 165K then shows 165%.
4. While scanning stocks RVOL should be less than 100% after entering and for carry forward it should be move than 100%.
5. ___ < 25% best - ___≤ 50% good - ___ ≤ 75% - ___≤ 100% % more look for other factors.10.
10. **T.VOL - Todays Volume**
1. Self Explanatory.
11. **Average Daily Volume 20 - Average daily volume**
1. Calculation is average 20 days volume that is [Period 20].
2. While scanning T.VOL should be less than Average Daily Volume conditions apply.
3. If candles form + sign then above rule can be ruled out.
12. [**₹]TURN - Rupee Turnover**
1. Turnover in terms of rupees.
2. Calculation price * Volume.
3. Avoid stocks less than 2.5cr that is 25M higher the better for position sizing and also helps in slippage control.
4. 1M - 10Lakhs, 10M - 1Cr, 100M - 10Cr, 1B - 100Cr.
5. Don’t think shown value is in dollar. No currency conversion needed.
### Inside Bar - I.B
- User input - In Settings
- Look Back Length = [Default 25].
- That means Inside Bar is plotted in latest 25 candles.
- Explanation - If recent candles OHCL is within previous candle of latest candle then its called Inside bar, name it self say it one inside other.
- Example if todays candle OHLC in daily Time frame is within yesterday’s High and low in daily time frame.
- Logic is Volume dry up ready for expansion.
- If condition satisfied Plots White arrow below the candle.
### Bull Snort
- **User Input - In Settings**
- Position = [ab- Above Candle] [bl - Below Candle].
- Label Colour = [Your Choice].
- Style = [Multiple Options].
- Size = [Auto].
- **Explanation** - This will show you strong Buying Candles . its Called Bull Snort Candles. This Term is invented by US trader Oliver Kell, so all credits to him. In this Indicator You will see Candles which have 3 times volume of its 50 day average volume, so you can say a sudden volume spurt. Stock which are closing in 35 % of its high zone. Latest Close is above previous close.
- If this all 3 conditions are met you will see your preferred sign above candle. That is pink diamond above candle.
### Indicator Settings Tab
- After Opening Settings of the Indicator you will see 3 tab as follows.
1. Inputs.
2. Style.
3. Visibility.
- **Inputs Tab**
- There are 5 subgroups.
- Moving Averages.
- Combined Up & Down.
- Table Settings.
- Inside Bar.
- Bull Snort.
**Input Tab:** All details are mentioned above.
- **Style Tab**
- This is where we can change colour and play with other settings.
- 1, 2, 3, 4 Options are with respect to moving average. And its clearly mentioned MA01 MA02 etc etc.
- 5, 6, 7th Option is With respect to Combine Up & Down.
- Shapes - 5th Option is for plotting only Volume condition.
- Shapes - 6th Option is for plotting only %Check.
- Shapes - 7th Option is for platting if both the condition is satisfied that is Checked/Unchecked.
- 8th And 9th Option is with respect to Inside Bar.
- Shapes - 8th Option for green day.
- Shapes - 9th Option for red day.
- 10th Option - Labels - On/Off - This Plots values on the scale so better to turn it off.
- 11th Option - Tables - On/Off - This Hides or unhides table.
**Note:** OUTPUTS :- Sub group
- Precision - Default.
- Labels on price scale.
- Values in status line.
- **Visibility Tab**
- This tab helps to hide unhide in specific time frame.
- Uncheck Seconds, Minutes And hours so that when to hop to lower time frame automatically indicator hides itself.