FX Trend

FX Trend Indicator by request of S.C. in The Trading Journal Discord.

Original Meta Trader Indicator at

FXT = K * ((Close-L1) / (D1*Small range)+(Close-L2) / (D2*Middle range)+(Close-L3) / (D3*Big range))


D1 = H1 - L1
D2 = H2 - L2
D3 = H3 - L3
L1, H1 - the lowest and the highest prices in the Small range
L2, H2 - the lowest and the highest prices in the Middle range
L3, H3 - the lowest and the highest prices in the Big range
K = 100.0 / (1/Small range+1 / Middle range+1 / Big range)
Informacje o Wersji
Removed unused variables.
Trend Analysis

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