AG Relative Currency Strength Indicator

This is an indicator that we've been using for a while to pinpoint currencies that are strong/weak. By knowing which currencies are strong and weak, you can focus your attention on the currency pairs that are actually moving, or plan ahead when researching trades.

This indicator gives the Relative Currency Strength, on any timeframe, for every major currency: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CAD, AUD, and NZD.

The indicator includes labels if you need them (you can toggle on/off - default=off), but you will quickly get used to which colour line represents which currency.

You can also choose to show/hide any currency, for isolation or clarity, e.g. only showing USD, EUR and JPY if that's all you're interested in.

Note: due to how much data is being pulled in and processed, this indicator does take a while to load.
currencyindexOscillatorsrcsirelativeRelative Strength Index (RSI)strength

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