
Library "Tools"
Common tools

movingAverage(maType, maSource, maLength)
  dynamically returns MA
    maType (string): ma type
    maSource (float): ma source
    maLength (simple int): ma length
  Returns: ta.{sma,rma,ema,wma,vwma,hma}
Informacje o Wersji

  Returns bool regarding candle[2] can be marked as BW High Fractal
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
  Returns: boolean

  Returns bool regarding candle[2] can be marked as BW Low Fractal
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: boolean

getFracMarkBW(isHighMark, isLowMark, lastHigh, lastLow, srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns int between -2 and 2. 2: HH, 1: LH, 0: No condition met, -1: HL, -2: LL
    isHighMark (bool): bool Is candle[2] marked as high
    isLowMark (bool): bool Is candle[2] marked as low
    lastHigh (float): float Last value of high mark
    lastLow (float): float Last value of low mark
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: int -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

  PosInfo - Position info object
    isBuy (series bool): bool Is position buy
    entry (series float): float Entry price
    index (series int): int Entry bar index
    lastTP (series float): float Last take profit price
    lastRE (series float): float Last re-entry price

movingAverage(maType, maSource, maLength)
  Dynamically returns desired moving average type
    maType (string): string Moving average type
    maSource (float): float[] Source series for moving average
    maLength (simple int): int Length for moving average
  Returns: float[] ta.{sma,rma,ema,wma,vwma,hma}
Informacje o Wersji

  PosInfo - Position info object
    isBuy (series bool): bool Is position buy
    entry (series float): float Entry price
    index (series int): int Entry bar index. Default: bar_index
    lastTP (series float): float Last take profit price. Default: 0
    lastRE (series float): float Last re-entry price. Default: 0
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  PosTPInfo - Position Take Profit info object
    price (float): float Take profit price
    when (int): int Take profit bar time UNIX. Default: time
    mark (float): float Take profit source mark price value. Default: na
    markWhen (int): int Take profit source mark bar time UNIX. Default: na

  PosREInfo - Position Re-Entry info object
    price (float): float Re-entry price
    when (int): int Re-entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    mark (float): float Re-entry source mark price value. Default: na
    markWhen (int): int Re-entry source mark bar time UNIX. Default: na

  PosInfo - Position info object
    state (PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (float): float Entry price
    when (int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    tp (array<PosTPInfo>): PosTPInfo[] Take profit info. Default: na
    re (array<PosREInfo>): PosREInfo[] Re-entry info. Default: na
Informacje o Wersji

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: Fractals

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time

  Fractals - Fractal container object
    hh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher high fractals
    lh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower high fractals
    hl (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher low fractals
    ll (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower low fractals
    lastHigh (series float): float Last high mark fractal value
    lastLow (series float): float Last low mark fractal value
Informacje o Wersji

getFracMarkBW(srcHigh, srcLow)
  Returns int between -2 and 2. 2: HH, 1: LH, 0: No condition met, -1: HL, -2: LL
    srcHigh (float): float[] Series source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): float[] Series source for low fractal marking. Default: low
  Returns: array -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time

  Fractals - Fractal container object
    hh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher high fractals
    lh (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower high fractals
    hl (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Higher low fractals
    ll (array<FracInfo>): FracInfo[] Lower low fractals
    isHigh (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a high fractal
    isLow (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a low fractal
    isHH (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a higher high fractal
    isLH (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a lower high fractal
    isHL (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a higher low fractal
    isLL (series bool): bool Is current candle marked a lower low fractal
Informacje o Wersji

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time
    boPrice (series float): float Fractal breakout price. Default: na
    boTime (series int): int Fractal breakout bar time UNIX. Default: time
Informacje o Wersji

new_pos(state, price, when)
  Returns new PosInfo object
    state (series PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (float): float Entry price
    when (int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
  Returns: PosInfo
Informacje o Wersji

  PosInfo - Position info object
    state (series PosState): <PosState> Position state
    price (series float): float Entry price
    when (series int): int Entry bar time UNIX. Default: time
    tp (array<PosTPInfo>): PosTPInfo[] Take profit info. Default: na
    re (array<PosREInfo>): PosREInfo[] Re-entry info. Default: na
    infoInt (map<string, int>): map<string, int> Integer holder map. Default: na
    infoFloat (map<string, float>): map<string, float> Float holder map. Default: na
Informacje o Wersji

Join with map tools.
Informacje o Wersji

  FracInfo - Fractal mark info object
    mark (series FracMark): <FracMark> Fractal mark
    price (series float): float Fractal price
    when (series int): int Fractal bar time UNIX. Default: time
    index (series int)
    markWhen (series int): int Fractal mark bar time UNIX. Default: time
    markIndex (series int)
    boPrice (series float): float Fractal breakout price. Default: na
    boTime (series int): int Fractal breakout bar time UNIX. Default: time
    boIndex (series int): int Fractal breakout bar index. Default: time
Informacje o Wersji

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow, hhBoLb, llBoLb)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): source for low fractal marking. Default: low
    hhBoLb (int): Higher high brakout loopback count. Default: 0
    llBoLb (int): Lower loe brakout loopback count. Default: 0
  Returns: Fractals
Informacje o Wersji
  • Updated to Pine v6
  • Pos related helpers moved to ToolsPos

  Info - General purpose info object
    si (map<string, int>): map<string, int> String key, integer value info holder map. Default: na
    sf (map<string, float>): map<string, float> String key, float value info holder map. Default: na
    sb (map<string, bool>): map<string, bool> String key, boolean value info holder map. Default: na
    ss (map<string, string>): map<string, string> String key, string value info holder map. Default: na
    sc (map<string, color>): map<string, colour> String key, color value info holder map. Default: na

processFractals(fractals, srcHigh, srcLow, hhBoLb, llBoLb)
  Returns Fractals after processing
    fractals (Fractals): Fractals container object to be used. Default: na
    srcHigh (float): source for high fractal marking. Default: high
    srcLow (float): source for low fractal marking. Default: low
    hhBoLb (int): Higher high brakout lookback count. Default: 0
    llBoLb (int): Lower low brakout lookback count. Default: 0
  Returns: Fractals

new_pos(state, price, when)
  Returns new PosInfo object

  PosTPInfo - Position Take Profit info object

  PosREInfo - Position Re-Entry info object

  PosInfo - Position info object
Informacje o Wersji

new_info(init, si, sf, sb, ss, sc)
  Returns new Info object
    init (bool): bool Initalise maps for na maps. Default: true
    si (map<string, int>): map<string, int> String key, integer value info holder map. Default: na
    sf (map<string, float>): map<string, float> String key, float value info holder map. Default: na
    sb (map<string, bool>): map<string, bool> String key, boolean value info holder map. Default: na
    ss (map<string, string>): map<string, string> String key, string value info holder map. Default: na
    sc (map<string, color>): map<string, colour> String key, color value info holder map. Default: na
  Returns: Info
Informacje o Wersji

    value (color)

set_info(info, key, value)
    info (Info)
    key (string)
    value (color)

new_info(init, si, sf, sb, ss, sc)
  Returns new Info object

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