Relative Strength

Od Capeya
Relative Strength show the quotient (ratio) between a numerator (Your Security) and a common denominator (SPX, BTC, ...).
I inspired myself from already established indicators. But I've made my own because I had some issues with others.

Sometimes the moving average weren't fixed but where floating through the window.
Sometimes the colors (Up, Down) were inaccurate because the compiler didn't notice infinitesimal changes (0.0001 > 0.0002)


(The Relative Strength indicator is at the top of the chart.)
Informacje o Wersji
Added colors on SMA: If RS > SMA then green, else Red.
Fixed some other stuffs: Symbol template for ticker input...
Informacje o Wersji
The moving average is colored based on its own slope.
Can be displayed or not.
Informacje o Wersji
Added color customization,
Added color for Relative Strength All Time High.
Informacje o Wersji
Possible to color based on X previous highs instead of all time high only.
If the lookback value is set to 0 then it looks for ATH;
Else it will look for the input, previous highs.

Modified for Tronsom
Informacje o Wersji

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