DK-Invest-Multi-Indicator-Background Color Signals-Testing Only

This is currently categorized as an "Invite Only" script and is being tested by a small number of users in the community. The goal is to release to the general community in the near future. The script will likely remain protected due to the amount of time invested in its development. This may change at some point in the future!

This script is unique in that it not only combines multiple indicators and multiple resolutions into a single view, but the source data is not derived directly from price. Rather it is built on a weighted point scale utilizing SMA trends and crosses spanning multiple resolutions. This point scale provides a slightly different and more predictive approach than typical indicators that are reacting to price changes.

Can be viewed with reliable buy/sell signals on any resolution from 5s to 480m. It depends only on preference and whether the goals are short-term or long-term trading.

<<< Please make sure to review Trading View's documentation regarding the use of alerts on scripts that span multiple resolutions. A reminder/warning will be generated for each new/updated alert because of this. Note: As TV explains, it's not a bug, it's just the nature of the beast when dealing with indicators that combine multiple resolutions onto a single chart. >>>

I will be adding some images of the backtesting results shortly. The script is showing some extremely good ROIs. Want to get through another round of QA testing prior to releasing results. Stay tuned.

An Alt coin version will also be added soon. BTC is a bit unique in its volume and timing of buy/sell signals, which is why there is a separate script for now.

Thank you for your understanding. Questions please add a comment. Still getting use to checking for comments, so apologies if there is a delay in responding!

DK Investments (just me right now :->)
Informacje o Wersji
This version improves upon the previous by reacting more quickly to market changes. It also includes three different background colors:
--> Red: Sell
--> Green: Potential Buy, conditions are good, but still moderate risk of false positive
--> Blue: Buy
Informacje o Wersji
added support and resistance indicators short/medium/long duration and made adjustments to background triggers.
Informacje o Wersji
added blue and green background and made the buy criteria more stringent.
Informacje o Wersji
corrected error on background colors
buysellsignalscustomalertslong-term-tradeMoving Averagesshort-term-tradeTrend Analysis

Skrypt tylko na zaproszenie

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Należy pamiętać, że jest to skrypt prywatny, dostępny tylko na zaproszenie, który nie był analizowany przez moderatorów skryptu. Jego zgodność z Regulaminem jest nieokreślona. TradingView nie sugeruje płacenia za skrypt i korzystania z niego, chyba że w 100% ufasz jego autorowi i rozumiesz, jak działa skrypt. W wielu przypadkach dobrą alternatywę typu open source można znaleźć bezpłatnie w naszych skryptach społeczności.

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