Kam+ Scalping

Od Akkikool22
This study project is a Scalping trading Tool that incorporates the majority of the indicators needed to analyse and scalp Trends for 1min, 5min or 15min charts. Incorporated within this tool are the following indicators:
1. Major industry (Banks) recognised important SMAs
2. Kijun Sen+ for entry
3. Atr Stop Loss For Stop Loss Entry/Exit.

Hint:- Use With Rsi Time Frame 15 min Custom, And Volume Flow Indicator For Trade Conformation
Informacje o Wersji
This study project is a Scalping trading Tool that incorporates the majority of the indicators needed to analyse and scalp Trends for 1min, 5min or 15min charts. Incorporated within this tool are the following indicators:
1. Major industry (Banks) recognised important SMAs
2. Kijun Sen+ for entry
3. Atr Stop Loss For Stop Loss Entry/Exit.

Hint:- Use With Rsi Time Frame 15 min Custom, And Volume Flow Indicator For Trade Conformation
Trend Analysis

Skrypt open-source

W prawdziwym duchu TradingView autor tego skryptu opublikował go jako open source, aby inwestorzy mogli go zrozumieć i zweryfikować. Pozdrowienia dla autora! Możesz go używać bezpłatnie, ale ponowne użycie tego kodu w publikacji podlega Zasadom Regulaminu. Możesz go oznaczyć jako ulubione, aby użyć go na wykresie.

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