Session Highlighter

Od WaveSurfer17
Session Highlighter Script

This Pine Script highlights the major trading sessions on your chart with distinct background colors and markers:

- Asian Session: From 22:00 to 06:00 UTC (Tokyo Open to Close), highlighted in blue.
-European Session: From 07:00 to 15:00 UTC (London Open to Close), highlighted in green.
-U.S. Session: From 13:00 to 21:00 UTC (New York Open to Close), highlighted in red.

- Background Colors: Different colors indicate the active trading session.
- Markers: Displays labels or shapes at the start of each session to show session changes.

- Helps visualize trading session overlaps and market activity throughout the day.
- Ideal for identifying session-specific trends and planning trading strategies.

This script ensures that you can easily see when each major trading session starts and ends, allowing for better market timing and analysis.
Informacje o Wersji
Session Highlighter Script

This Pine Script highlights the major trading sessions on your chart with distinct background colors and markers:

Asian Session: From 22:00 to 06:00 UTC (Tokyo Open to Close), highlighted in blue.
European Session: From 07:00 to 15:00 UTC (London Open to Close), highlighted in green.
U.S. Session: From 13:00 to 21:00 UTC (New York Open to Close), highlighted in red.


Background Colors: Different colors indicate the active trading session.
Markers: Displays labels or shapes at the start of each session to show session changes.


Helps visualize trading session overlaps and market activity throughout the day.
Ideal for identifying session-specific trends and planning trading strategies.

This script ensures that you can easily see when each major trading session starts and ends, allowing for better market timing and analysis.
CyclesFundamental Analysis

Skrypt open-source

W prawdziwym duchu TradingView autor tego skryptu opublikował go jako open source, aby inwestorzy mogli go zrozumieć i zweryfikować. Pozdrowienia dla autora! Możesz go używać bezpłatnie, ale ponowne użycie tego kodu w publikacji podlega Zasadom Regulaminu. Możesz go oznaczyć jako ulubione, aby użyć go na wykresie.

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