Asset Overlay with Lag [CubeT]

Od CubeT-TRW
Asset Overlay with Lag [CubeT🧊]

This indicator allows you to overlay a secondary asset on your main chart with a customizable lag. It's perfect for traders who want to analyze the relationship between the current asset and another asset with a time-shifted perspective. The secondary asset’s price data can be lagged by any number of bars, helping you spot leading or lagging behaviors between assets.

Overlay a secondary asset on your current chart.
Adjust the lag of the secondary asset to visually compare time-shifted movements.
Easily customize the lag amount directly within the settings.

How to Use:
  1. Add the Indicator: Apply the indicator to your chart in TradingView.
  2. Select the Secondary Asset: Choose the asset you wish to overlay (e.g., "BTC") from the indicator settings.
  3. Set the Lag: Adjust the lag amount in bars (e.g., 7 bars for a 1-week lag on a daily chart).
  4. Adjust Price Scale (Right-click on plotted secondary asset line > Select "Pin to scale" and choose "Pin to new left scale" to separate the scales for clearer comparison.

Informacje o Wersji
  • Added Correlation Coefficient to the script, which can be toggled on for advanced research in settings.
Informacje o Wersji

  • Added "Lagged" asset continuation line in Orange.
Pine utilitiesTrend Analysis

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