Michez rule by Pascal Michaillat and Emmanuel Saez

Od tradepeak

Economists Pascal Michaillat and Emmanuel Saez have created a two-sided Sahm rule-based indicator[26] (which the Financial Times named the 'Michez rule'[27]), using both the unemployment rate and also the vacancy rate for jobs. The economists noted that their modified indicator functioned for recessions going back to the year 1930,[28] while Sahm's worked only back to the 1950s. Another notable difference: The 'Michez rule' is usually triggered earlier than the Sahm rule as it detects recessions on average 1.4 months after they have started.[29]
Informacje o Wersji
Since Pascal Michaillat updated the paper on September 17, 2024, and made slight adjustments to the formulas, a new version has been released to synchronize the values. You can select the paper version under "Official Paper Update Date" on settings.
Informacje o Wersji
Correcting data calculation errors for non-"monthly" cycles.

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