
Engulf Scan


The Engulf Scan indicator helps users identify bullish and bearish engulfing candlestick patterns on their charts. These patterns are often used as signals for trend reversals and are important indicators for traders. Engulf Scan signals are generated when an engulfing pattern is swallowed by another candlestick of the opposite color.The signal of a candle engulfment formation is generated when the 1st candle is engulfed by the 2nd candle and the 2nd candle is engulfed by the 3rd candle.


Bullish Engulfing Pattern: Indicates the start of an upward trend and typically signals that the market is likely to move higher.
Bearish Engulfing Pattern: Indicates the start of a downward trend and typically signals that the market is likely to move lower.
Color Coding: Users can customize the background colors for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns.

Usage Guide:

Adding the Indicator: Add the "Engulf Scan" indicator to your TradingView chart.
Color Settings: Choose your preferred colors for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns from the indicator settings.
Pattern Detection: View the engulfing patterns on the chart with the specified colors and symbols. These patterns help identify potential trend reversal points.
Parameters and Settings:

Bullish Engulfing Color: Background color for the bullish engulfing pattern.( Green)
Bearish Engulfing Color: Background color for the bearish engulfing pattern. (Red)

Bullish Engulfing Example: On the chart below, you can see bullish engulfing patterns highlighted with a green background. (Green)
Bearish Engulfing Example: On the chart below, you can see bearish engulfing patterns highlighted with a red background. (Red)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How are engulfing patterns detected?

Engulfing patterns are formed when a candlestick completely engulfs the previous candlestick. For a bullish engulfing pattern, a bullish candlestick follows a bearish one. For a bearish engulfing pattern, a bearish candlestick follows a bullish one.

Which timeframes work best with this indicator?
Engulfing patterns are generally more reliable on daily and higher timeframes, but you can test the indicator on different timeframes to see if it fits your trading strategy.

Can I detect a reversal or trend?

As can be seen in the image, it sometimes appears as a return signal and sometimes as a harbinger of an ongoing trend.But it may be a mistake to use the indicator only for these purposes. However, this indicator may not be sufficient when used alone. It can be combined with different indicators from the Tradingview library.

Updates and Changelog:

v1.0: Initial release. Added detection and color coding for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns.

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