Horizontal Lines 0.5, BY ROSHAN SINGH

Od Roshan_A_Singh
This indicator identify support and resistance to trade in 1min time frame, based of fib 0.5 level, on 15 min time frame find major high and low means major swing, low will be our start level and high will be our end level input in setting, substract high and end level and now divide answer with 2 till the daily volatility of a index or stock, if saying about nifty suppose nifty daily travel minimum for 65 pts then interval will be 65 input in settings, now all horizontals lines means support and level will be plotted on chart, buy on support, sell on resistance
15mintimeframe1mintimeframeBands and ChannelsBreadth IndicatorsCyclesfibbfibbonachiintradaytimeframetraderXOxotrader

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