Library "UtilityLibrary"
A collection of custom utility functions used in my scripts.
Gets the number of milliseconds per bar.
Returns: (int) The number of milliseconds per bar.
Checks if the current bar is the actual realtime bar.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the actual realtime bar, `false` otherwise.
Checks if the current bar is the last replay bar.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the last replay bar, `false` otherwise.
Checks how much of the current bar has elapsed.
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
Checks if a number is even.
number (float): (float) The number to evaluate.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the number is even, `false` when the number is odd.
Gets the sign of a float.
number (float): (float) The number to evaluate.
Returns: (int) 1 or -1, unlike math.sign() which returns 0 if the number is 0.
atan2(y, x)
Derives an angle in radians from the XY coordinate.
y (float): (float) Y coordinate.
x (float): (float) X coordinate.
Returns: (float) Between -π and π.
clamp(number, min, max)
Ensures a value is between the `min` and `max` thresholds.
number (float): (float) The number to clamp.
min (float): (float) The minimum threshold (0 by default).
max (float): (float) The maximum threshold (1 by default).
Returns: (float) Between `min` and `max`.
Removes gamma from normalized sRGB channel values.
value (float): (float) The normalized channel value [0, 1].
Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma removed.
Adds gamma into normalized linear RGB channel values.
value (float): (float) The normalized channel value [0, 1].
Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma added.
Extracts XYZ-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple) [x, y, z]
xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z)
Converts XYZ-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
x (float): (float) The X channel value.
y (float): (float) The Y channel value.
z (float): (float) The Z channel value.
Returns: (int tuple) [r, g, b]
Extracts OKLAB-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple) [l, a, b]
oklab_to_rgb(l, a, b)
Converts OKLAB-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
l (float): (float) The L channel value.
a (float): (float) The A channel value.
b (float): (float) The B channel value.
Returns: (int tuple) [r, g, b]
Extracts OKLCH channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color): (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple) [l, c, h]
oklch_to_rgb(l, c, h)
Converts OKLCH channels to sRGB channels.
l (float): (float) The L channel value.
c (float): (float) The C channel value.
h (float): (float) The H channel value.
Returns: (float tuple) [r, g, b]
hues(l1, h1, l2, h2, dist)
Ensures the hue angles are set correctly for linearly interpolating OKLCH.
l1 (float): (float) The first L channel value.
h1 (float): (float) The first H channel value.
l2 (float): (float) The second L channel value.
h2 (float): (float) The second H channel value.
dist (string): (string) The preferred angular distance to use. Options: `min` or `max` (`min` by default).
Returns: (float tuple) [h1, h2]
lerp(a, b, t)
Linearly interpolates between two values.
a (float): (float) The starting point (first value).
b (float): (float) The ending point (second value).
t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
Returns: (float) Between `a` and `b`.
smoothstep(t, precise)
A non-linear (smooth) interpolation between 0 and 1.
t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
precise (bool): (bool) Sets if the calc should be precise or efficient (`true` by default).
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
ease(t, n, v, x1, y1, x2, y2)
A customizable non-linear interpolation between 0 and 1.
t (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
n (float): (float) The degree of ease [0≤] (1 by default).
v (string): (string) The easing variant type: `in-out`, `in`, or `out` (`in-out` by default).
x1 (float): (float) Optional X coordinate of starting point [0, 1] (0 by default).
y1 (float): (float) Optional Y coordinate of starting point [0, 1] (0 by default).
x2 (float): (float) Optional X coordinate of ending point [0, 1] (1 by default).
y2 (float): (float) Optional Y coordinate of ending point [0, 1] (1 by default).
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
mix(color1, color2, blend, space, dist)
Linearly interpolates between two colors.
color1 (color): (color) The first color.
color2 (color): (color) The second color.
blend (float): (float) The interpolation factor [0, 1].
space (string): (string) The color space to use for interpolating. Options: `rgb`, `oklab`, and `oklch` (`rgb` by default).
dist (string): (string) The anglular distance to use for the hue change when the color space is set to `oklch`. Options: `min` and `max` (`min` by default).
Returns: (color) Blend of `color1` and `color2`.