KPOS (Keltner Position)

Shows closing prices relative to dynamic keltner channel (STARC bands), normalized as oscillator. Default settings are same as Adam H Grimes' who has posted some statistics on the bands. KPOS values show position of closing price relative to lower bands (as a percentage), such that 0 = lower band, 50 = ema (midpoint), and 100 = upper band. Bands can be widened or narrowed by adjusting ATR Multiple. Best used with confluence of support and resistance to identify momentum breakouts, continuations, and divergences.
Informacje o Wersji
Shows closing prices relative to dynamic keltner channel ( STARC bands ), normalized as oscillator. Note the position of closing prices in purple channel above compared to oscillator position. Default settings are same as Adam H Grimes' who has posted some statistics on the bands. KPOS values show position of closing price relative to lower bands (as a percentage), such that 0 = lower band, 50 = ema (midpoint), and 100 = upper band. Bands can be widened or narrowed by adjusting ATR Multiple. Best used with confluence of support and resistance to identify momentum breakouts, continuations, and divergences.

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