Current vs. Average price performance (daily and weekly)

This indicator is to be used only by the values it gives back, don't use the lines.

In "current week days" choose number of days that already BEGAN this week (ex. on Wednesday type 3)

Green1 - Current Daily Range
Orange1 - Average Daily Range
Green2 - Current Weekly Range
Red1 - Average Weekly Range

Orange2 - Today's price movement compared to the average daily price movement (in percentage)
Red2 - This week price movement compared to the average weekly price movement (in percentage)

By these values you can check how price performed today and this week in comparison to the average daily and weekly values - you can check with some probability if the movement is already exhausted or price can do some more action.
Informacje o Wersji
Updated calculations.
ADRAverage True Range (ATR)AWRcomparisonperformance

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