Risk Reward Calculator

Planning your trading is an important step that you must do before buying the stock.

Risk and Reward Calculator is an important tool for the trader.
With this calculator, you only need to put the capital for one trade and it will automaticaly put the plan for you. But if you want to enter your plan for buy and sell, you just need to check the button and enter the number. the risk and reward calculator will suggest position size based on the information.

The Steps to use Risk Reward Calculator
1. enter how many percentage you can accept if your analysis is wrong.
2. enter how much money you want to trade
3. it will automaticaly calculate the plan for you
4. you can change the reward
5. but if you want to enter your own number, you can check the box. After that enter the number you want for your new plan.
calculatoreducationalforecastingPortfolio managementrewardriskriskreward

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