Forex Lot Size Calculator

Od cryptonnnite
To use indicator you need to provide enter and stop prices(you can drag these lines also). Also you able to set your Account Size in USD, Risk in % and Commission you pay your broker per lot.
Indicator calculates all this information and provides you with Lot Size(with commission) you need to open a position and target prices for 2R and 3R(also includes commission).
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Informacje o Wersji
Add 1R line
Informacje o Wersji
fix rounding entry and stop prices
Informacje o Wersji

Now you can:
  • set a custom target price and see how much $ profit you get
  • change profit target size (by default 3R, min: 1R, max: 10R)
  • toggle visibility of profit target lines
  • turn off all profit target lines except the last one.
  • change table border color
calculatorForexlotsizelotsizecalculatorPortfolio managementTrend Analysis

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