Index of indexxes

Hi, this is pretty straight forward. This is the DXY equivalent of NDX, SPX, RUT, DJ. It's a full index of the US market.

You can play with the weights, drag and drop, let's say SPX and see how SPX performs compared to the four major indexxes.
Informacje o Wersji
I made the script much more customizable.

Choose how many instruments your index should have, assign weights to them and you have your weighted index.

Weight of 0 means that this instrument will not have any influence on the overall index.

- You might create a portfolio from different instruments and weights and check it's past performance (this mother of all indexxes will be your portfolio index)
- You might create an index from NDX, SPX, RUT, DJ and see how the whole US market performs. Then you can compare it to the NDX and see if it's outperforming, underperforming

Uses are limitless! Good luck mates
Informacje o Wersji
Renamed it :)
Informacje o Wersji
Chosen a nicer picture
Informacje o Wersji
again, picture update

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