
USDJPY short on risk-aversion expectations

Current US high debt along with Omicron variant triggering a spike in covid cases and border closings right after the FED and other central banks announcements to reduce liquidity may push investors to flight for safety and enter into risk-aversion mode creating demand for the safe-heaven currencies, including the JPY.
"I am highly concerned that Omicron being more transmissible, circulating at the same time as Delta - is leading to a tsunami of cases."-@DrTedros from the World Health Organization
Feb 7 (Reuters) - The United States and Japan on Monday announced a deal to remove Trump-era tariffs from about 1.25 million metric tons of Japanese steel imports annually after Washington granted similar access for European Union steelmakers last year.

The new deal, which excludes aluminum at Japan's request, will take effect on April 1 and requires Japan to take "concrete steps" to fight global excess steel manufacturing capacity, largely centered in China, U.S. officials said.
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