UBS Group AG (UBSG.vx)

We can found a technical figure Triangle in the Swiss company UBS Group AG (UBSG.vx) on a daily chart. UBS Group AG is a Swiss multinational investment bank and financial services company founded and based in Switzerland. UBS client services are known for their strict bank–client confidentiality and culture of banking secrecy. The Triangle has broken through the support line on 09/09/2021. If the price holds below this level, you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 12 days towards 14.595 CHF. According to the experts, your stop loss should be around 15.485 CHF if you enter this position.

Risk Disclosure: Trading Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Contracts of Difference (CFD's) carries a high level of risk. By registering and signing up, any client affirms their understanding of their own personal accountability for all transactions performed within their account and recognizes the risks associated with trading on such markets and on such sites. Furthermore, one understands that the company carries zero influence over transactions, markets, and trading signals, therefore, cannot be held liable nor guarantee any profits or losses.
bankingBearish PatternsbreakoutmemestockssellsignaltraingleTriangleUBSUBSG

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