Money money money - its a rich mans world!

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Yes - its an Abba song. But those guys knew there stuff when it came to trading?

A young man named John had always been a big fan of trading and money. He had dreams of one day becoming a successful trader, and he worked hard to make it happen.

One day, John decided to take the plunge and opened his own trading account. He was excited to get started and was sure he had found the secret to success.

John's first few trades were a success and he was feeling confident. He decided to increase the size of his trades, thinking that if he made more money he could buy himself a nice car. So he went all in on a big trade, only to see the stock price plummet. He had lost all of his money in one single trade.

John was devastated. He had no idea what to do now. He thought about giving up trading altogether, but something inside him told him to keep going.

John decided to try a different approach. He did some research and found out that people were making money trading penny stocks. He figured this was a much safer way to go and started trading penny stocks.

John was surprised to find out that he was actually making money this time! He couldn't believe it, and he kept trading penny stocks until he had made back all
Replace penny stocks with a trading system that could be applied without emotion and using a simple set of rules!
Beyond Technical Analysis

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