S&P 500

The Table is Set Now...

Od The_Unwind
S+P 500 latest breakout to new all time highs has certainly done one thing very well today.
It has turned the majority into "raging bulls", with only one thing on their mind's now. They're hungry.
The trade deal with China. The postponement of new 15 % tariffs, that had been scheduled to go into effect on 12/15/19
has sparked a real rush to the banquet hall.

I had been tipped off by by my own" traders instincts" this morning prior to this very big announcement
that the market was really ready to "respond" dramatically to the upside, if it got the news it wanted to hear.
And sure enough, it took off through the heavens, as if on cue, like clockwork.

Now just for a moment, put yourself into the minds, of mass psychology of those across the board,
of big money or small,who needed to buy on the news today to satisfy their insatiable hunger.
Bulls eat a lot at the table.
They are not shy about that.

So ask yourself a question.

Do you really think those well fed bulls are going to stick around for long ,
when the market starts to crater,and there's no more food to eat ?


Beyond Technical Analysis

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