I think People Need free Money , tats not Possible not in this world , There are two distinctive movements in the Market i have posted in the past about it and i am posting it again
01) Function of Price : In this functionality price moves rapidly and pause for short period of time , so far market has moved in the same manner when one view it based on daily time frame ,
02) Function of time : When Price enters function of time then it consumes more time to move in the price ,
so one should use their logic to understand where the Market is standing at this Junction and everyone must have their own Method to identify these parameters and act
This is public post so I have limited information to provide
One person seems have already entered in Chronic psychological syndrome trying to comment as if i am something distributing free meal here , so answer is no i am not giving a free meal ,
Go to Various Websites study how market works , read books and Make your own path towards success ,
I have just posted an Broder view
Good luck