Watch for 4H Confirmation

Od mortdiggiddy
Testing parallel channel here above some important support pivot. Weak bounce coming? DXY GLD SLV
Also watching this test area of underside of previously broken DXY channel. snapshot
So far DXY and EU are following September to October seasonality pretty well, including the selloff after the 3rd quarter FOMC statement that we witnessed.

It looks like there is a possible dip buying opportunity as soon as the first week of October in this seasonal chart:
Attempting to hold daily CAM S4 today, looks oversold (for now).

A big reminder that Euro FX futures are running quickly toward the December contract rollover gap. CME FX futures generally trade in quarterly contracts, and the gap generated is due to the fact that futures behave like options when it comes to theta.

Theta is time decay, and ALL futures, not just FOREX, trade at a premium to the spot price until the day of expiration. At the rollover date, we moved from the September to the December contract, so the front continuous symbol (E61!) jumps a good amount (3 months until December expiration).

Looking back every 3 months, these gaps generally DO NOT go unfilled. Price generally retraces soon rather than later to fill these futures gaps. Most traders are aware of gaps and the tendency of price to fill those gaps, however many traders are not aware of rollover gaps. FOREX and Equity futures experience a gap like this 4X per year.

The gap above if you don't see it is the 14-17th gap, when the front contract flipped from September to December.
Deeper selloff to CAM Year S3 and Year Pivot.
I am actively shorting using 15m and 5m strategies on the way down... NO confirmation yet on this trade.
EU is sitting right on CAM S3 Month. I am looking to start buying tomorrow if it holds. There is a seasonal bottom at this time for a 10 day hold pattern.
There is a chance that EU decides to bounce off the big H/S neckline again and the year pivot (the white trendline and the thick cyan line). snapshot
Parallel ChannelPivot Points

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