
study(title="RSI & MACD Al-Sat Göstergesi", shorttitle="RSI & MACD", overlay=true)

// RSI ayarları
rsi_length = input(14, title="RSI Periyodu")
rsi_overbought = input(70, title="RSI Aşırı Alım Seviyesi")
rsi_oversold = input(30, title="RSI Aşırı Satım Seviyesi")

// MACD ayarları
fast_length = input(12, title="Hızlı EMA")
slow_length = input(26, title="Yavaş EMA")
signal_length = input(9, title="Signal EMA")

// RSI hesaplama
rsi = rsi(rsi_length)

// MACD hesaplama
[macd_line, signal_line, _] = macd(fast_length, slow_length, signal_length)

// Al-Sat Koşulları
long_condition = crossover(macd_line, signal_line) and rsi > rsi_oversold
short_condition = crossunder(macd_line, signal_line) and rsi < rsi_overbought

// Al-Sat Noktalarını Grafiğe Çizme
plotshape(long_condition, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, title="Alış Noktası")
plotshape(short_condition, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, title="Satış Noktası")

// RSI ve MACD Göstergelerini Çizme
hline(rsi_overbought, "Aşırı Alım Seviyesi", color=color.red)
hline(rsi_oversold, "Aşırı Satım Seviyesi", color=color.green)
plot(rsi, color=color.blue, title="RSI")
plot(macd_line - signal_line, color=color.orange, style=plot.style_histogram, title="MACD Histogram")

// RSI ve MACD Bilgilerini Sağ Kenara Gösterme
plotshape(series=long_condition, title="Alış Sinyali", location=location.right, color=color.green, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.small)
plotshape(series=short_condition, title="Satış Sinyali", location=location.right, color=color.red, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.small)

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