Wooly Mammoths Through New Eyes...

The PVHLBRX/ PBV<PSV and FCHLBRX-- PBV<PSV both experience a < 0.236 diameter fib retrace.. The smaller Flat Chested Heartbeat version that appears in the consolidation phase of the Rat Trap is exceptionally Bullish by all measures..

Lets see if buying on all 0.236 fibs when we find these herds is profitable if we range sell....

Best of luck Heartbeaters !!! ATH here we come !!

*** if you want to document perfectly you would call the white one PVHLBRX_/ PBV<PSV and the purple one FCHLBRX\_ PBV<PSV....
Chart Patternsfchlbrxhreaheartbeatspvhlbrxurattraps

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