AORD - Last trading day of December

Since 2000, the All Ordinaries Index ( AORD ) has displayed a negative seasonal tendency on the last trading day of December.

1-day average return -0.21%, standard deviation 0.72%, win rate 5 from 22 events.

Last year marked the 12th consecutive loss for the All Ordinaries Index on the last trading day of the calendar year. Will the positive lead from the US equity market overnight be enough to end this losing streak?

Disclaimer: Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. Past performance does not diminish the risk expectancy of any strategy. By its very nature ‘risk’ means you could & most likely will experience losses. No representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided. It is your responsibility to consider whether any financial product or service is suitable for you based on your risk profile, investment objectives, & investment horizon. Data is for educational & informational purposes only.

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