The potential of the coin is amazing. We have a weekly stoch RSI cross forming. Weekly stoch RSI is a very powerful signal.
ANKR current statistics
- Ranked #97
- Already on Coinbase & Binance
- Ankr marketcap is 750 Million
- 6,996,232,711 out of 10,000,000,000 circulating supply
Lets compare marketcaps...
Vechain is worth $8 Billion
Matic is worth $12 Billion
Ankr is worth $750 Million
Also very similar charts ^
A $1.37 Ankr price would = 9 Billion evaluation
A million is $1,000,000
A billion is $1,000,000,000
A Trillion is $1,000,000,000,000
Unique Use Case
- Ankr goal is to provide value in the cloud computing industry. Very ambitous. Cloud computing is a growing industry. Google & Amazo.
Ankr Team
- Comittee of 16 advisors. All have credible backgrounds. I even met one person from the team. Very credible people.
This is not a get rich quick coin. This is for a true investor that seeks value in return. This is alternative to coins such as ADA, VET, & XRP that already proven their value in use & price. I believe Ankr has true potential to succeed and be a top #25 coin.
With such a microcap. This coin weilds very violatile adjustments. This can happen very quick. Especially now since it is listed on Coinbase. Moon city is the goal. Diamond hands.