Technical analysis

If you want to please advanced chartists, give them all available drawings - there are over 100 of them! You can also add indicators that will appear by default on the widget. Of course, you can also let your chartists use the 80+ indicators that are included. Possibilities are limitless - you can add things like a second price scale on the left, and change it between a Percentage and Log scales. You can also compare several symbols by overlaying them, or onto different subscharts one over another.

Basic area chart

If you just want to have a basic financial chart for the general user, it makes sense not to overload the widget with extra options. You may also want to make it an Area chart, which is the most basic charting type - and looks great without taking up too much space!. If it’s still too much, take a look at our Market Overview and Symbol Overview widgets.


You can add a watchlist, which is linked to the chart. When you click on a symbol in the watchlist, it will change on the chart. You can add a predefined list, or change it dynamically, depending on what you want to show your users.

Analytics platform

You can add more panels, such as the top losers and gainers hotlists, details for each symbol, and the economic calendar - turning a simple chart into a full-blown analytics platform.