Candles HTF on Heikin Ashi Chart

This script enables calling and/or plotting of traditional Candles sources while loaded on Heikin Ashi charts.
Thanks to PineCoders for rounding method:
Thanks to BeeHolder for method to regex normalize syminfo.tickerid.

NOTICE: While this script is meant to be utilized on Heikin Ashi charts it does NOT enable ability to backtest!
NOTICE: For more info on why non standard charts cannot be reliably backtested please see:
Backtesting on Non-Standard Charts: Caution! - PineCoders FAQ

NOTICE: This is an example script and not meant to be used as an actual strategy. By using this script or any portion thereof, you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
ashicandlesCandlestick analysiseducationalheikenheiken-ashiheikinheikin-ashiHTFPine utilities

Skrypt open-source

W prawdziwym duchu TradingView autor tego skryptu opublikował go jako open source, aby inwestorzy mogli go zrozumieć i zweryfikować. Pozdrowienia dla autora! Możesz go używać bezpłatnie, ale ponowne użycie tego kodu w publikacji podlega Zasadom Regulaminu. Możesz go oznaczyć jako ulubione, aby użyć go na wykresie.

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