[HA] Heikin-Ashi Shadow Candles

// For overlaying Heikin Ashi candles over basic charts, or for use in it's own panel as an oscillator.
// Enjoy the visual cues of HA candles, without giving up price action awareness.
// Good for learning and comparison.

// Aug 11 2022
Release Notes: * Bugfix: Candle color was based on classic direction not HA direction (did not update cover photo).

// Aug 12 2022
Release Notes: * Implemented true oscillator mode.
Provided as separate plot (styles tab) or mode switch option (Inputs tab). TV gets spazzy with "styles tab" "default hidden" plots, and will reset them if any variables are modified that affect them (i.e. wick color override). Mode switch should be sufficient for both users.

// Aug 21 2022
Republished because of typo in indicator name prevented search.
candlesheiken-ashiMomentum Indicator (MOM)

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