Democratic Fibonacci Moving Averages

With this indicator, we have taken moving averages at Fibonacci lengths (3 to 233) as well as the average of these values, labeled the DFMA. Additionally, these values have been inputted into a table overlay. The cross of the FibMA(233) and the DFMA can be used as a signal for long or short.

The FibMA lengths of 3 and 233 are plotted in white by default, the FibMAs with lengths between 3 and 233 are plotted in blue by default, and the democratic line (DFMA) that averages these lines is plotted in green or red (depending on if the value is above or below the 233-length FibMA).
fibfibonaccianalysisfibonaccimovingaverageMoving Averagesmovingaveragecrossovertabletables

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