11:02 PM ET my read of the Iran-Israel situation is that it's already over, the market just needs to realize it as a whole.
a) why?
b) bc you don't send 100 missiles and drones and then tell the entire world you're going to do it
c) if you really want your targets to get hit
d) Iran literally telegraphed this "attack" in advance to give the Isrealites enough time to shoot half them down, the ones that "made it there"
e) the other half didn't make it there
f) this doesn't mean that they can't cause harm, it just meant they did not want to
g) but still had to do for show
h) at the same time, to shoot 100 drones and missiles with the intention TO NOT cause harm ...
i) is a demonstration of accuracy in itself that could mean opposite should under the right circumstances
j) meanwhile, Pentagon immediately stated that Israel would not receive U.S. support for any offensive opperations
k) and while Israel declared they would respond, also stated any response would be ...
l) in coordination with the U.S.
m) and while it's not publicly stated, U.S. policy towards the Middle East has been....
n) maintaining a balance of power between the four major power centers in that area for quite sometime
o) those four being Iran, Israel, Saudia Arabia, and most importantly but less publically, Turkey