13 maj 2021 20:09

Elon called for a more energy-efficient crypto... Here it is! Long

Hedera Hashgraph / Tether USDHTX


Yes, crypto is not all massive mining farms which burn insane amounts of energy to maintain the blockchain.

Quite the contrary,
there are actually loads of different projects which use models other than Bitcoin´s Proof-of-Work.

While there are certainly good arguments for both sides, the incoming hype will be green, means centered around more efficient technologies of which Hedera Hashgraph is BY FAR the most promising candidate, and maybe even soon a serious competitor for a more sustainable future.

According to a paper published by Power Transition Ltd, the numbers are very impressive indeed.

Energy per transaction (kWh)

VISA 0.001486
Bitcoin 885.179064
Ethereum 102.968151
Hedera 0.000170

For further reading please visit their website and dig into:

Can a Blockchain be Green?
A look at the sustainability of decentralized networks – Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Hedera Hashgraph

Enjoy & All the Best!

P.S. Yeah I know... Yet another rocket. But HEY, it´s fucking GREEEN!


Gotta correct my view here.
HBAR is actually nothing but overhyped vaporware.

Sorry :(
any updates ?

and any timeline for that Glorious Target ?