16 maj 2022 00:51

Example of a bubble burst Long

Cisco Systems, Inc.NASDAQ


Here is an example of how a bubble burst can be felt over decades.
Making this for BTC/ETH traders that think that everything will come back up one day soon.

This is CSCO over the last 25 years
Thank you, that is a nice and informative way to see how long it can take to recover from a bubble burst.
Curious as to why you think CSCO in the 90s is anything like BTC or ETH?
Hi @MurderHamberder, thanks for the question.

I made this chart just to teach a piece of history to someone I care about. Here was the message:

What we see with crypto today is very similar to what we have experienced with the .com bubble in 2000. The hype feels the same. The wishful ignorance of market fundamentals and human factors that have been at play for centuries too. In 2000 we saw that internet would change everything. It did. The market simply overvalued it by failing to take into account the decades it would take for that revolution to take place. It takes decades because at the bottom line, humans don't evolve that fast. You need to let it sync it for a full generation.

Same situation for crypto. It will change everything. Visionaries see the potential. The potential is real and it is most likely to take 20, 25 years (give or take) to be deployed. Pricing all this value now is a mistake. If you are willing to HODL for 25 years, or if you can make profits coming in an out that craze, good for you.
Hey, excellent work on posting your first chart. We hope it was a fun challenge. Don't give up! Rome wasn't built in a day 🏦
👍 @Nico.Muselle, TradingView Mod Team