Breached into the channel even earlier...

Od BlueHawk77
At my below analysis, I said BTC is trying to get back to its natural 5 years channel. It even happened earlier than I expected. And market reaction is strong like it reacted when it breached down this channel.


9.000 - Psychological
9.200 - Fib Retracement .78 Short Term
9,400 - Fib Retracement .38 Long Term
10.000 - Strong Psychological
10.350 - February Peak (Fib Full Retrace Short Term)
11.300 - Fib Retracement .5 Long Term and Long Term Ascending Trend Line

No need to say these are just my opinions so you better DYOR.

Press like if you find this interesting :)
Zlecenie aktywne
Should be descending line :)
Zlecenie aktywne
Fast in, fast out.
Transakcja zamknięta: osiągnięto wyznaczony cel
Inside channel
FibonacciTrend AnalysisTrend Lines

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