Blackcoin moving, but wait for a retest.

Od robertjulius

On the daily;

Broke through but did not yet close above the 200 moving average

Daily 200 moving average is also currently the 0.236 fib of the last big move lower.

Bullish cross of the 20 over the 50 completed, green CCI, the 20 moving average has been retested as support which led to the current rise.

This coin is set to go higher. There will also be a short pullback.

It has only gotten well and truly above the daily 200 twice, and both of those moments led ot huge spikes all the way up to 0.00023344 and 0.00024300 respectively. We are currently at 0.00007107

This coin does occasionally spike through the daily 200, only to continue downtrending.
This happens on bullish crosses of the 20 over the 50 moving average.
Sometimes it rapidly does so 3 or more times in a row.

It may be a good idea to watch for a real strong bottoming pattern, because this coin does offer big upside when it does get moving.

Buy orders on the 20 moving average with a stop loss on the 50 might offer the chance to get on this move if it does go, while limiting expose to the downside if this is just another fakeout. it does have a nice slope to it to be a real move, but another two legs lower make sense too.

If we get the 20 above the 50 above the 200 with a green cross of the CCI - ok, that's the best case scenario - then i give blackcoin good odds for an all-time-high, likely at 0.00038207

FibonacciMoving Averages

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