14 kwi 2020 14:52

[$AMZN] Nouvel ATH pour Amazon !, Inc.NASDAQ


Bonjour à tous,
Amazon a montré son utilité et ses performances de delivery même pendant cette crise sanitaire !
Les gros investisseurs ont sû profiter de la baisse pour remplir leurs positions et j'ai l'impression que nous sommes bien parti à ce rythme là.
Alors que les Etats-Unis annoncent ses plus de 6,6 millions d'inscrits au chomage, les bourses explosent, la FED rajoute des 00 dans leur tableau Excel, en somme c'est du grand n'importe quoi!
Moment d'extrême volatilité ! Un paradis pour les uns , un enfer pour d'autres !
Stay Safe !
bro come on now, at least 90% of the world population peaks english yet here you stubborn enough to wride in French , who is gonna read thatr
@ARCHIDUKE, French people ...
I do appreciate this feedback and i will translate it to you bro':

Hello everyone,
Amazon has shown its usefulness and delivery performance even during this health crisis!
Big investors have taken advantage of the downturn to fill their positions and I have the impression that we have got off to a good start at this rate.
While the United States announced more than 6.6 million registered unemployed, the stock markets explode, the FED adds 00 in their Excel spreadsheet, in short it's a lot of nonsense!

Moment of extreme volatility! A paradise for some, a hell for others !
Stay Safe !
@NicoDCrypto, thanks bro,so u taking a long, am actually planning to hort after earnings
@ARCHIDUKE, I am not thinking in any entries atm.
Too risky to short right now , in my opinion, if earnings are great ( and they will) we can see an extra bounce before cooling down.
Wait for a reversal signal before shorting.